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Daughter's first bow kill!!!
I thought I'd be spending all season trying to get my little one a shot. She fooled me and dropped this ole' doe with her first shot ever in the woods. ...this after I'd missed a deer myself about an hour before.

After a long day driving to town to get a flat fixed, and then driving to Boise and back (because I decided I needed four new tires) we made it back to our spot in time for an evening hunt. Saw plenty of game, but like I said, I blew my chance.

Then this doe came our way a bit later. She was playing hide-and-seek behind the pine trees at about 20 yards, offering nothing but a Texas heart shot angle. I told my daughter not to dare shoot unless the deer was perfectly broadside, and she obediently waited. She's only pulling 40 lbs and I wanted everything perfect. I think the deer saw me but not her, because she kept her eyes on me but walked toward my daughter, giving her a perfect broadside angle at about 12 yards. I did the "meh" sound when she took the perfect step and she just stopped and stood there looking at me while my daughter tried to draw a bead on her . It was about the end of shooting light, but my girl found her pins through her peep after what seemed like an eternity. The deer was down a steep hill, and my daughter used her top pin which was a 20, so she hit spine and anchored the doe. You guys who know what that can be like know how I worried about what my little girl's reaction might be to that scenario, but turned out I didn't need to. I helped my daughter find a good angle and she put in the finisher like a pro. Was maybe 2 minutes from first shot to absolute finish, and my daughter was perfect the whole time... And just like me, after it was all over, then she started shaking uncontrollably. Yes, I gutted the deer for her.

Amazing weekend for both of us. Her Smile is big in the picture, but the one behind the camera was probably bigger.

[Image: image-4.jpg]
Congratulations on building a great memory with your daughter. Sounds like a great time.
good job !
Awesome, CONGRATS to the both of you. Hopefully in ten years or so I can do the same with my daughter.
Good times.Congrats to your daughter and you for getting her out there.
That is so awesome, my daughter is 6 and she wants too shoot one with a bow, I can't wait for that moment..... i'm jealous..... priceless memory....
Thanks for the story and a great picture of a happy young lady. It was a blast watching our sons and daughters grow up and enjoy the hunts and fishing trips with the wife and I, now it's our grand kids who are joining us. Life is good.[Smile]

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