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Floyd Report
Went out to Floyd Lamb last night to check out the situation. Mulberry Lake is still closed, even the people working at the park didn't really seem to know or want to say why.

Seemed like most of the ducks and geese were gone. There were some there, but nowhere near as many as in the past. Asked the guy at the gate if he knew anything more about the dead ducks and he said he heard it might have had something to do with ducks flying down during the Mt. Charleston Fires.


Fishing was pretty good, NDOW stocked the largest lake back on the 14th and people were still catching catfish in the 1st pond.

I caught a pretty good size catfish and a carp (which I had no idea was out there)
Was out at FLP Wednesday morning fishing the top pond. Saw some guys in an aluminum boat trolling around the bottom pond so I went to check it out. There were 4-5 NDOW guys down there netting the fish (BIG nets). Rumors were they were going to completely drain the lower pond. Not anymore. They need to fix an intake vent/pump on the lower pond that circulates water back to the top pond that's been broken for years. However, they can't drain the pond due to risk to the razorback sucker (endangered I guess) so they're going to have a diver go in and fix it. They are relocating the game fish (bass & cats) to the upper pond (less predators for the suckers was their reasoning). I was watching as they were removing and weighing the fish, some 6+ pound LMB were in the lower lake. They believe the dead ducks were due to avian botulism from some of the ducks transferred over from Lorenzi. Anyways, looks like only good fishing in the top pond for a while until the the baby bass left over in the lower pond grow up.
[quote Scubasteve12] However, they can't drain the pond due to risk to the razorback sucker[/quote]

they have those in FLSP? are they native to the ponds? I thought they were only in the Colorado river system..
Apparently theyre in there. Theres a youtube clip from 2012 where a guy caught one from the lower pond (googled razorback sucker floyd lamb). Wonder what else is in there.
Wow! I had no clue they put those suckers in there!.. Been fishing there a long time and I have never seen one swimming around. Youtube clip below of the RB sucker at FLSP for the lazy that dont want to google search it.
yeah I just seen that video, 4poundonly posted that video. what ever happened to that guy?

anyways I did some research on those razorbacks and apparently they are a deep water fish that don't like the UV rays from the sun so I wonder why they would put them in a shallow pond... bucket biology? [fishon]
[quote syncityangler]yeah I just seen that video, 4poundonly posted that video. what ever happened to that guy?[/quote]

I'm still here...lurking in the shadows. Since my last post I have decided to devote my entire life to fishing...seriously. I'm a full blown's been a full 4 hours since my last fish. I don't know how much longer I can continue on this path before going broke....Back on topic made that video in earlier march. I was on the back pond bass fishing when I snagged what I thought was a carp on a rattletrap....upon further research found out it was a razorback sucker....for those not in the know the bass fishing has been on fire this summer at flsp...especially at night[:p]
You can fish Floyd Lamb at night ?
The razorbacks are in the lower pond only and are there as a back up stock of fish in a worst case senario the species is not wiped off the earth if something happened to the river.

I was there one day about 5 years ago and helped them catch and weight them. They are all tagged and are all adults, they cannot reproduce in the pond.

I made a post here back in the day all about it the razorbacks in FLSP with pictures and the whole deal if you wanna know more or see pics of the operation.

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