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2013-2014 BFT Ice Fishing Contest
Well since a few of you are starting to day dream about spring bobbers, tip-ups, and frostbite, I suppose it's time to decide a few things: if there will be a BFT ice fishing contest this year, who is interested, and who will moderate it.

I hope there is a contest since I really enjoy reading the posts and seeing all the cool fish you guys catch. And as for the moderator thing, I enjoyed doing it last year and am more than happy to do it again this year. However, if anybody else is itching to give it a go, or thinks they can do it better, then by all means - have at 'er! It wouldn't hurt my feelers at all, and I certainly don't want to be a ball hog [shocked]! It's all just for fun anyway, and the chance to help your charity of choice if you win!

So now for the important part - who wants to play?? We'll limit it to 20 participants (I think that's the law without a permit if I'm not mistaken) so speak up before all the spots are gone (haha funny right? [sly])!

I hope there's lots of interest so we can have another good contest this year!
I want in .
I will play
I'm in.
I'm in.
all depends on the rules.... if we have too have a BFT sign than no, but if you will except a sign from another forum than Yes.....
Jeez, what do have against BFT?? [Wink] JK...

If I'm not mistaken, the whole point of the logo is to provide evidence that the fish was caught when you said it was caught - not last year or some other year etc... So I don't really see a problem with it as long as there's at least something (like a year or date or something) to show that it was caught when you said it was caught... not sure about the "forum-who-shall-not-be-named" logo though, we might have to photo shop that out or something [laugh][laugh]

That being said, I don't really want to make the rules here, I think the contestants should do that. Soooooo... I'll propose the following but it will be up to the contestants to OK it: [#FF0000]How about we don't require a logo next to the fish this year, just at least something that has a date or the year on it (e.g. 2013-2014 or something similar)?[/#FF0000] I'd be OK with that.

But If anybody who's planning on participating has a problem with the proposed rule change PLEASE SPEAK UP. My goal here is to make the contest how you guys want it.

For that matter, if anybody wants to change any other rules, now would be a great time to bring that up.
The rules from last year can be found here: [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"];forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread [/url]

Just let me know what you guys want to do!
I have no problem with just the year . If he joins the contest the competition just got very tuff .
Jeepers, Matt-man. That's a pretty tuff stance...........

I'm Undecided at this point. I may sit this one out. I have very much enjoyed the contest in the past, though. I'll have to give it some more thought.

Maybe I'll sell all my ice fishing gear.........[shocked]


So far there's 6 for sure by my count with a couple other fence sitters. I'd sure like to have at least a few more to make a contest out of it! It's getting pretty close now, so if we're going to do this thing I think we need some more... unless you guys want to duke it out between the 6 (or 8) of you! [Smile] doesn't really matter to me, I'm just the conductor...
This is my first time, but I would like to play.
I'm all in for contributing to the charity pot. Count me in for whatever the entry fee is this year. Otherwise, I'm going to abstain from the contest this year. I'm really disappointed that there isn't more interest. I've found the contest to be extremely pleasant and enjoyable as it's all for fun anyway.
I was hoping for more interest too, but those that have joined in seem excited about it, so I think we should go forward with it. I'll send out pms tomorrow night and start the ball rolling.

If anybody else wants in, just let me know, there's definitely still room!
As before, I will throw in. I get more than that amount of info and entertainment from here and who knows, maybe I will go out on the ice. (yeah, some long odds there but maybe)
Why the issue with the BFT sign? I don't get it?
There's still lots of room left if anybody else wants to participate in the contest! Just let me know!
This will be my first year ice fishing so I don't know what I'm doing yet but what the heck count me in. Maybe I will have a bit of beginners luck.
Right on!

There are a bunch of knowledgeable people on here that are usually very willing to share tips, so be sure to speak up if you need advice. Be careful though, ice fishing is addicting!

I'll send you a PM on how to get signed up for the contest.

The contest rules can be found in this thread if you haven't seen them yet:
I know it is addicting. Went once last year with H&H and I was hooked. Didnt even catch the much but it was a blast.
If you get over to this side of the state let me know . I would like to fish with you .
what side of the state are you talking? Aren't you on the eastern side? I live in rexburg currently.

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