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[quote TubeDude][#0000ff]I have long had the philosophy that anytime you ask a question that begins with the word "Why" there is not likely to be a good answer. That holds true for people in general and often for Utah fishing regulations. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][quote TubeDude]
There is justifiably a great concern in Utah about spreading viruses, diseases and invasive species into waters they do not belong. That is valid.[/#0000ff]
[/#0000ff][#0000ff][quote TubeDude]There are some laws...such as the restrictions on the use of live bait, corn...and shad...that almost seem designed merely to protect the fishies from evil anglers. Those things are legal in most other states and the fisheries do not seemingly suffer from it.
Now entering Utah. Set watches back 100 years.
There you have it. Tubedude flip-flopping back and forth like usual. I'm dizzy.
Mr. Dud -- you think this is a Utah thing? You claim that most other states don't suffer from this? Bullshiztu. Do a simply, quick Google search and you'll find that illegal fish introductions across the U.S. are a MAJOR problem. Here, this is the first hit Google displayed for me on my search: [url ""][/url]
Utah needs to be commended for their hard stance against the use of live fish as bait. It is also nice to see them draw a line in the sand and take measures to prevent more illegal fish stockings. The shad bait rule is just one example of Utah saying they will do what has to be done to protect our fisheries. Imagine the problems that could be had if a place like Jordanelle showed up with gizzard shad. We have plenty of other options for bait -- instead of trying to catch a fresh gizzard shard to use as bait, catch a carp or sucker and use them!
[url ""][/url]
(kind of makes you wonder if the problems Georgia is experiencing could have been lessened if live bait fish were illegal to use, doesn't it?)
[url ""][/url]
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Takin' a shot at the TubeDude is as bad as kicking a fresh turd on a hot day--- then putting that foot in your mouth.
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[quote GEEZER]Dude,
Takin' a shot at the TubeDude is as ...[/quote]
...easy as (insert any cliche you wish).
The dud can handle his own. We've spared before -- this isn't the first hole I've drilled through stubborn ice.
He can't just come off and say that Utah is dumb....especially considering that this is truly a national problem. It's happening everywhere, and other states (Maine) are working very hard to further restrict the uses of fish as bait -- especially live bait. Utah isn't 100 years behind -- we're ahead.
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[#0000FF]Thanks Tom. But I have learned to not even respond to his tirades. He just likes to keep the pot stirred.
Wonder if the newbie BFTers can tell which of us is a lock-step, born and raised, brainwashed DWR kid and which is a poor simple Utah fisherguy.
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[quote PBH]He can't just come off and say that Utah is dumb....especially considering that this is truly a national problem. It's happening everywhere, and other states (Maine) are working very hard to further restrict the uses of fish as bait -- especially live bait. Utah isn't 100 years behind -- we're ahead.[/quote]
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And you were doing so good too[unimpressed].
[quote PBH][#0000ff]
[/#0000ff] There you have it. Tubedude flip-flopping back and forth like usual. I'm dizzy.
Just because you don't agree with what another member says does not mean you need to attack them. What Pat was saying makes perfect sense to a lot of us but you have to consider that if one member makes statements like Pat did that a lot more people feel the same way. AND just because members make statement, that does not always make them true, it is just an opinion. Why do you get so upset when members express their feelings. If you feel different simply express your feeling without attacking someone, it is that easy. Over the years I see that you are changing the way you reply to others and I'm thankful for that but you can do better. I'm glad we have those that have another view point because it educates us all but I don't feel anyone person knows everything about fish and there is a lot of learning we can all do from one another.
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[quote wiperhunter2]And you were doing so good too[unimpressed].
[quote PBH][#0000ff]
[/#0000ff] There you have it. Tubedude flip-flopping back and forth like usual. I'm dizzy.
Just because you don't agree with what another member says does not mean you need to attack them. What Pat was saying makes perfect sense to a lot of us but you have to consider that if one member makes statements like Pat did that a lot more people feel the same way. AND just because members make statement, that does not always make them true, it is just an opinion. Why do you get so upset when members express their feelings. If you feel different simply express your feeling without attacking someone, it is that easy. Over the years I see that you are changing the way you reply to others and I'm thankful for that but you can do better. I'm glad we have those that have another view point because it educates us all but I don't feel anyone person knows everything about fish and there is a lot of learning we can all do from one another.[/quote]
Wait a second....PBH attacked no more than Tubedude did. Don't keep one person to those expectations but not the other! Your whole post reeks of a double standard!
Clear back in Tubedude's second post his tone was very negative and attacking...I took it personally!
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Criticism or disagreement on a policy, tactic's or regulation is appropriate on this forum, however criticism directed at individual members for expressing their opinion should be unacceptable. It's clear who fired the first shot!
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I was told by moderators that generalized criticism of people was also inappropriate ....which Tubedude clearly did when he criticized Utahns in general and DWR personnel in that second post. He could have very easily questioned or criticized the regulation without attacking the Utah public at large and DWR personnel...sorry, but I see him clearly as the first attacker...
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You are entitled to your view but not your own set of facts. The FIRST confrontational comments directed at a member of this forum were not made by TubeDude.
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Another thread turned into a pissing contest.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
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[quote Dog-lover]You are entitled to your view but not your own set of facts. The FIRST confrontational comments directed at a member of this forum were not made by TubeDude.[/quote]
Maybe not...but as I said earlier, the first confrontational comments were. And, according to at least one moderator, that is not acceptable. Again, Tubedude could have posted his opinion on the regulation without ridiculing Utah fishermen or Utah DWR personnel....but he chose to do it. And, as a result, someone responded in the like manner--in a negative and confrontational tone. His post elicited that response.
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W&B, you can see it however you want but guess what, you are wrong[  ]. DL is right, your brother threw the first punch, after that it does not matter. Of course Pat is no different than anyone of us, it is always hard to hold your  after someone makes a negative comment to them. Come on you two (W&B, PBH) just try and get along, just because any member makes a general comment there is no need to take it personal, it was not directed at you. Again, it was just an opinion, and you both have your opinions as well, nothing wrong with that, just don't directed at another member.
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Without soliciting the support of any Moderator, I believe this is exactly the forum to direct criticism or praise to the agency that manages are fisheries and the unique preferences of Utah Fishermen.
Much better than the quilting web site.
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You know wiperhunter, I was told by a moderator not too long ago that generalized comments even if not directed at any individual are NOT acceptable on this site. In fact, his exact words were: "generalizations that could apply to anyone are not necessary to make your points and others will interpret them as name calling." I was thus warned that if I did it again I would be banned.
Tubedude's second post was confrontational because he generalized utahns as being behind the times and me, that is offensive. It was also offensive because he generalized Utah DWR personnel as being behind the times and hicks...which really hits home! Whether you agree or not, the reality is that the tone he used in that post illicited the negative response. Holding just PBH accountable for what he said his holding a double standard...Again, Tubedude could have very easily made his point in that second post and challenged the law/regulation without the other jibes...but, he chose not to. You get what you ask for....and he got it!
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[quote Dog-lover]Without soliciting the support of any Moderator, I believe this is exactly the forum to direct criticism or praise to the agency that manages are fisheries and the unique preferences of Utah Fishermen.
Much better than the quilting web site.[/quote] do I. And, I don't have any problem with tubedude or anybody else directing criticism or is how he did it that I didn't like. Also, someone who is quick to criticize and attack should also be willing to defend that criticism once it is questioned. And, they should be willing to do so in the same style that they offered the criticism...if tubedude is overly negative in his criticism, shouldn't he expect an overly critical response?
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[quote wiperhunter2]r. Of course Pat is no different than anyone of us, it is always hard to hold your  after someone makes a negative comment to them..[/quote]
Exactly my make a negative comment about us or our family, how do you expect us to respond? With only happy is a double standard you are holding us too. That is the problem we have.
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WB there is no double standard here. WE do a lot of moderating behind the scenes where it is not seen as much. In the case of this thread it is starting to get old. Lets drop the bickering, attacks, etc... Sometimes as it has been noted, it is better to ignore certain comments rather go on attack, or back fire more comments.
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wait a minute -- how come PBH and TubeDude aren't chiming in on all of this???
OK. I will now. Tubedude made 3 comments that contradicted each other. I quoted them. I called him a flip-flopper.
At what point do we as participants of an open discussion take responsibility for what we say??
If I come on here and say that Fish Lake froze last week, and I post a picture of it to prove it -- shouldn't someone else have the right to call me out and prove otherwise? What's wrong with you guys?
Tubedude did just fine defending himself. He doesn't need all you other chihuahua's barking up a storm in his defense. Was he offended by me calling him a flip-flopper? I doubt it. He probably laughed at it.
man, some of you guys get you're sex panther red Ron Burgundy Jockey's wound pretty tight around here.
no harm. no foul. just a discussion about bait fish in Utah. calm down people.
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[quote PBH]
no harm. no foul. just a discussion about bait fish in Utah. calm down people.[/quote]
Couldn't have said it any better than this PBH, thanks!!![cool]