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Pikeman's trophies
[#0000FF]When we returned from our trip to Starvation yesterday, Pikeman took me inside to show me his recently received tail mount...from the 175 pound halibut he caught in Alaska last summer. I was impressed. I've never known anyone who kept a "piece of tail" on their wall.

Anyone who knows Glen knows that he is a very knowledgeable and experienced angler...with many fish species and many large fish on his personal list. I had previously seen some of his other mounts and trophies of past successes but thought that other BFTers might enjoy seeing them too. So here are some pics.
Not only a piece of tail, but from a but to boot !! Those perchlets are not recent additions to his wall though. Haven't seen perch like those for 20 years. Is his walleye from Deer Creek or Starvation ?? We might need to get him to give us a virtual tour of his trophy wall, where they were caught, when, and who the arteest who did the work on them is !!
Holly #### that is one huge perch. I have never seen a perch that big or is it just zoomed up so close. My dad caught a 15" perch about 4 years ago from dc that weight 1 1/2 lbs. Man that is one fat perch. Would love too catch a fat slab perch like that too put in a smoker [angelic].
I could be mistaken but I believe that pike hung on the wall at Sportsman warehouse..
[quote Coldfooter]I could be mistaken but I believe that pike hung on the wall at Sportsman warehouse..[/quote]

[#0000FF]Could be. If I am not mistaken it was the state record for a long time. Pikeman will probably chime in and clear it up.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Yep. The mounted fish are trophies of trips spanning quite a few years. You will have to wait for Glen to answer the questions on origin of the walleye, size, etc. I'm sure he will.

I meant to take individual shots of the other fish too, but had a senior brain spaz.
Not only is he a gifted angler with many trophies including state records, he gives and shares his knowledge to a legion of newbies on Lake Powell and other waters each year. He is an extraordinary man in all aspects of his life. Anyone who knows him....admires him.
A little insight on my trophies. The Perch. The top one was 15 1/2 inches long. Had a 12 3/4 inch girth and weighed on certified scales 2.9 pounds. 2 ounces under the state record. The one on bottom was 14 inches. We ate bucket fulls of that size. I caught the Perch in the spring of 2000. Dan Johnson did the skin mounts for me. I was gonna do a pan fish mount with 10 of those bad boys on a stringer but the cost of having it done scared me.

The pike was caught June 13th of 1999. On 14 pound monafilament with a homemade night crawler harness. Out of Yuba. It weighed 24 pounds 4 ounces. It was 47 3/4 inches long. The girth measured 20 1/8 inches. These measurements were all certified. The record has been broke 2 or 3 times since then but I have yet to see one longer. The taxidermy job is a skin mount. It was done by a gentleman out of Spring Creek Nevada.His first name was Jeff can't remember his last name. He was a Blue Ribbon taxidermist .She looks better than the day I caught her. excluding the 2 broken fins that happened when I took it to my kids school class for show and tell. Smile Just a couple notes I wanted to tell ya about Pike fishing. I caught a couple 40 inchers the spring before in 1998. I estimate them to have been about 20 pounds. Turned them loose and when I caught this I knew it was bigger than the state record by the size.

The walleye was 30 inches and 12 pounds 2 ounces also caught out of Yuba in 2000 (spring). Only female I ever kept out of there because it was my biggest. The taxidermy work was again done by Dan Johnson.

The large mouth Bass was 5 1/2 pounds caught out of Lake Powell up the San Juan. It is a replica. It was made and give to me by a gentleman that I hosted down to Powell. Who was impressed that I would take a picture and turn it loose.

The 20 inch tail mount is a replica of the Halibut I caught in Alaska Summer 2013. The taxidermy work was also done by Dan Johnson.

In the picture you can see where there are 2 nails on the wall under the pike. My wife just happened to be doing some spring cleaning and had the frames down at the time. One is the picture of the bluff that I caught the Pike off of and the other was the official certification of being a State Record Pike. I held it for 4 years. 1999 to 2003.I broke a 13 year old record. That was held by a gentleman out of Nephi. His weighed 22 pounds. Before that the State record came out of that little duck pond they call Redmond Res. it was certified at 18 pound 3 ounces. After it set in the back of the guys truck for 4 hours while he drank beer and fished.

I wanted to give a thanks out for all the nice things you Gentlemen have said about me.

That is one very nice walleye!! really like the perch mount, would you mind telling me how much the perch cost an inch to mount ? I also caught a 15 1/2 in. perch out of yuba but the weight was 2.4 caught in 2001.
I can't imagine the time, energy and knowledge that went into those trophies! If I didn't know better I'd think that perch was part of a government experiment.Wink Well done all around!
lol yes I've got a few hours in fishing yuba 3 days a week
and as soon as the computer calculated I had 8 hours vacation I would do 4 that week. I was a real fishing nut back then. LOL
And I'll bet each one of those fish, including the halibut, was caught on a gizzy-bug.

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