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me and Just jim made some plans to go to Yuba today and try it again.. we got together at painted rock around 8:00 this morning got everything loaded on the wheeler and underway we went.. was going to try the same area i hit earlier this week but there was already someone camped out there so moved on the the next spot.. we started out slow not a lot on the finder jim had the first fish on it was ether a a jumbo perch or a eye. he never got it up to the hole but was fighting like one of the 2.. a bit later some guy's pulled up on a side by side and we were just telling them fishing had been slow when they said your getting a bite on that pole. turned around and sure enough i had a 4 lbs pike on that one.. first pike of the day i hit 3 more in that range from then tell about 2:30.. jim was not having as good as luck as me but we keep at it finley he got a small 18 incher or so and a bite off so it was looking better.. then i hammered a big pike took about 10 min's to get in and was 35 inchs and 13 lbs i checked when i got home.. a nice toad pike... right after that jim finley hit one of the better pike we had been getting out there after that we called it a day and headed in.. good day fishing with good people good to meet you Jim hope we get a chance to do it again soon..
here are some pic's..
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Nice report! I am starting to enjoy Yuba myself even though I have only been there three times this past year. Gotta go again...[cool]
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Good job, it's nice to see the pike are still looking healthy and doing well down there, need to get down there soon. How thick is the ice? You said there was a side by side on it so I assume it's pretty thick but that would have me nervous with all that weight. Thanks for the post and keep them coming.
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oh the ice is a good 10 to 12 inchs.. it's a little soft there at the ramp for the first 2 feet or so but once on easy going.. i had a wheeler out there and a bunch of gear with no problems at all.. [sly]
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Hey Ron,
Was that you talking to the DNR guy in the parking lot at Painted Rocks at the end of the day?
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yeah you just walked on by us.. i thought you would at least stop and say hi.. lol
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What kind of lures and bait were you using?
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We were there also, got on the ice about 9:30. Brought in 4, largest a fat 31 in @10 lbs. we stopped by the island on our way off at 4pm and my grandson picked up a 29 in within 5 minutes to make it 5 total, great day on the ice.
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Sorry, I wasn't sure it was you. We did OK, we caught 7 with Ben catching the largest at 33 inches and 11 pounds and 7 ounces.
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Yeah, great to meet, and fish with you Ron. Had a great day. It was slow rolling bite that got better as the day went on. We need to do that again soon! Thanks for the invite.
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Good on ya Ron. guess 3M and I will head down that way Tuesday and at least stick around there until Wens or Thurday afternoon before heading back or maybe down to OC and/or FL for a couple days
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Here is Ben's pike.
[inline "Ben 11 lbs 7 oz.jpg"]
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Good job Ron and Jim, Hey and all the rest of you guys. Way to put the hurt on them Pike. There must be a whole sh$$ pot full of them pike in there. That's the best thing we can do for that fishery is jerk a few of them out. So that the Walleye and Perch population can make it back. Cause the Pike population will always survive. They have done for 40 years. Thanks for sharing
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[cool] WOW those are some nice pike thanks for sharing your pictures with us. I would love to pull a few of them through the ice sometime.
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here are 2 more pic's the one is the 4 pike i had on the ice before i hit the big one.. the other is a better pic of the big one..
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Ok I would like to do this in the near future. What type of setup would I need. To go after one of these bad boys. I heard they have teeth. What weight of line. Anything special on the end. leader wise. yuba seems like a long way from Ogden. But I would do it if I had the right equipment setup. Ok Guys fill me in Line weight. Leader type. Were do they hang. how big of a lure do I need. Flasher involved.
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We just used straight 8# and 10# mono. We each had one bite-off, which is better than Ron said he did last week. We were pretty diligent about setting the hook quickly as well. If you let them take it down deep, you're screwed. You can use a wire leader, but you'll only catch pike.
There's some bigger perch left as well as a few walleye. If you want a whack at those, stay away from the wire/cable. When Ron's big one hit the ice, the leader parted under very little pressure. He was very close to losing it.
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i have been using some really hi-tech stuff! like 6,8,and 10 lbs trilene XT extra tough line and or pline floroclear.. 2 to 5 inch tube jig's. and the really extra HI-tech red side shiner's or chub.... i'm not sure any of you guy's can come up with any of that stuff just anywhere... lmao..
if your not using jigs and or lure's. IE just baiti would get some cable leaders pike suck bait in deep and will cut mono fast.. other then that ya got to get to the lake and put something down or you'll never catch one..
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Nice fish, Kent! Wish you'd have said hi. Would have liked to meet you. Maybe next time.