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Strawberry Reservoir underwater trout behavior (video footage)
Just a link to a youtube video I made a couple of weeks ago that shows how trout respond to bait or jigs under the water at Strawberry. Trout that have been caught before are likely a little more suspicious and careful...that can be another reason that fishing by the marina can be a bit slower than other spots. We fished two days (a few hours each day) and caught and released about 8 each day. Though I am not an expert ice angler, it is still interesting to watch fish behavior.
Nice video. I have always suspected behavior like that. Do you have any footage of kokanee at strawberry? I have ice fished for kokanee for years, but I have never really targeted them at strawberry and I have not heard of many that do. I am curious to know what their behavior is.
I have no footage of these mysterious fish under the ice. Good idea though...I'll see what I can do!
Welcome to BFT and nice video. It is always interesting to see a fish's reaction to your presentation. Thanks for sharing. [cool]
Nice video.

Although I only have my fishfinder, I never tire of watching how fish react on the screen to my actions. Its almost as much fun as hooking up. I have found that it can also help us catch more fish. When the fish aren't coming in and immediately pounding my offering, I like to give them different "looks" to see how they react. Frequently, I'll coax a few extra bites when otherwise, I don't think they would hit. It is almost like playing with a cat and string. You just have to figure out how to get the cutt/cat to pounce.
Looks like you were having way too much fun with the camera up there! Thanks for sharing. Welcome to the site!
I like the video. I have similar videos like that. What I learned was take that jig and just drop it right in that sand or mud and leave it,jig it a little. Those fish will stick their head in that mud and take your jig. A guy would never know those fish were there let alone that behavior without a camera.
Is it just me, or does that fish at the 2:40 mark look like a Tiger Trout?
Thanks for the video, that is fun to watch and see how they behave. Great insight. Anymore videos would be appreciated.
Nicely done, appreciate a good edit job. Purdy fish there. Always surprises me how little movement of the rod can translate to some real action below.

As said - welcome.
what make and model is that camera?
That is a very cool video. I just can't give fish the intelligence to be suspicious, however.
Nice vid. Makes me wonder if everyones going to use the underwater cams now. I'm jealouse

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