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I wanted to add these little stories.<br>I was only young I would guess about 5 or 6. My dad had always been a fisherman and he would be fishing most weekends during the English freshwater season.<br>My mum had a kind of deal with dad. He could fish the comps but out of season he had to take us away on day trips of a weekend. It worked quiet well. One place we always seemed to end up though was a place called Trenton Gardens I think it was in stoke in the UK.<br>Whenever we went there it always rained and we have always to this day said it’s like Trenton Gardens if we go anyplace with the kids and it rains.<br>Anyhow, Dad always had his fishing rod and some bits in the car and at Trenton gardens he would beg mum to let him do some fishing. With the weather sitting under dad’s umbrella was the best thing to do.<br>I remember this time because dad let me for the very 1st time cast in the line. I sat in a black duffel coat and waited and I GOT A BITE. I caught a little black fish from memory it looked like a black gold fish? (You know what I mean!!)<br>I will never forget that.<br><br>Nor will I ever forget the 15th of September many years ago. It was a Sunday and it was my sister’s birthday. I had had a bath in the morning so I was ready for her party.<br>Dad was fishing a comp on the local lake in Blakely in Manchester. Mum made him a flask and some sandwiched and we walked over the field to take them to him. Dad was on the far back of the river and there was a breakwater you could walk along to get to him. Mum decided to wait with my sister and send me over the breakwater with the bag containing dad’s things. Off I went, I took a few steps and then SPLASH!! In I went bag and all. All the fishermen jumped up and came to my rescue I was in and out in a matter of seconds, dad said I practically scaled the wall my self. Dad left his line in and took me home for my Third bath of the day… On the way home he picked a rose from someone’s garden for me. Dad won that comp he said I had frightened all the fish over his way.<br>The next weekend we went to Blackpool on the train mum had to pay for the tickets with “ten bob” notes that were the worse for their watery experience. I had kept tight hold of the bag and all it’s contents luckily as it had mums purse in it.<br><br>by kj : Friday 15 September, 2000 <br><br>Submit your Fishing Adventure Stories to win great prizes at ReMemory.Com

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