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Henrys Fork Suggestions
Took some buddies out and floated vernon to chester on the henrys fork this weekend. Loads of bugs coming off the water but didn't see a single riser. Fished nymphs and streamers all morning and afternoon and couldn't get into a single trout. Never had that hard of a time getting into them. Some of my family is coming up this weekend and we are planning on floating the river. I would really like to get them into some fish since this will be there first time on the Henry's Fork. Anybody got any suggestions or anybody experiencing my same frustration. The last four times I have gone out I have hit four different rivers and only gotten into 1 fish. Help me bust this slump before my brothers have a hayday after me talking up the fishing over here...
Given the description of your tough time I would recommend trying the Warm River to Ashton stretch. I've had decent luck there with rubber legs with a san juan or copper john dropper around this time of year. And if it doesn't work out the scenery is great at least!
Rubber legs with a San Juan dropper is a meal ticket on that river this time of year. Also keep some skwala, march brown, bwo and baetis caddis patterns on hand. Just incase you do run in to a pod of fish feeding on top.

Also if it's a cloudy day throw streamers. You can do that on a floating line and leader and still hook plenty of fish.

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