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Just wondering who has actually been checked while out fishing, not a boat/safety check at the ramp. I have been checked once, it was on the shore below the dam at strike. I see the jet boats on Lowell and Strike all the time but have never talked to anyone who has been checked for license or fish.
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I usually get checked at least 3 times a year fishing and another couple times out duck hunting. The state that I use to live in I never got checked a single time so I always thank the conservation officers when I see them out checking people.
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Never have been checked in the bass boat, but the jet boat gets checked almost every time. Ice or shore at strike I've been checked a few times. Most guberment employees are pretty lazy. Talk to Idaho power employees more than f&g.
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Yes, I get checked several times per season here in the Eastern side of the state. Same thing, I thank the officers and try to be as polite as possible.
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I've been checked lots of times. I've had several hike halfway around the reservoir or 1/4 mile up the river to get to me.
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[quote dtayboyz]Never have been checked in the bass boat, but the jet boat gets checked almost every time. Ice or shore at strike I've been checked a few times. Most guberment employees are pretty lazy. Talk to Idaho power employees more than f&g.[/quote]
Not to start a war here, but with 3 guys covering Elmore and Owyhee County, and milage restrictions placed on their vehicles to "save money" how can you call the COs lazy? I personally know that Craig Mickelson, Jeff Day, and Brian Flattery regularly work 10-12 hour days, and then respond to calls about poaching or people with a couple extra trout on their stringer after hours. Their travel has been so restricted thay now have to ride along with other Law Enforcement personnel...
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I only get checked once, maybe twice a year.
In spite of that infrequency, a couple years ago I was fishing the the SF Boise on Jan 2nd and F&G was out checking licenses. It hadn't even occurred to me that the year had rolled over until I saw F&G approaching as I walked back to my car. I was initially a little peeved that they were out checking licenses, basically like a speed trap. He was super nice, though - only gave me a warning and I headed back to Mountain Home to grab my license.
I do like the 3 year license option now.
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I've fished here a grand total of 3 times and got checked last night. I was actually really impressed.
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I got checked for the first time in 4 years. It was on my very first trip of the season. Had my son and I's licenses in the cab, hot off the old laser printer from just before we headed to the lake.
The gentleman was kind, polite, and provided feedback regarding other bodies of water I was curious about.
It's too bad there isn't one stationed each day on each lake. Our fisheries would be so much better, so much cleaner... Too bad we can't seem to locate that Money Tree to harvest...
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Last year I was checked 4 times in about 3 weeks; all at the same location, by the same warden.
I saw him once so far this year at that same spot, I was curious about his level of thoroughness about checking ID's, so I hiked around to the opposite side from him when I got there. He didn't make the trek around to check my paperwork.
I actually like to see them out checking ID's. There are far too many people who fish without a license around here. And they don't care who knows about it. It kind of irks me that honest people buy the license, read the manual, and follow the regs. While these "other people" don't pay for a license, don't read the regs, and generally double up on their bag limit.
That said, I've never been checked at Mann's Creek; the only time I've seen ANY state officials there, was when they were dredging for bodies.
And (at least in the past) Owyhee River & Res in Oregon usually has a tenacious F&G presence.
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I get checked several times a year . What I have noticed is the better the fishing is , the more often I get checked . I get checked at Henry's a lot .
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I'm checked at least once or twice per year.. i was just checked at cascade yesterday..
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We get checked a couple times a year, Steck Park, Boise city ponds and at Lake Lowell.
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I have been checked many times by many different officers. Ice fishing at Ririe I get checked pretty often. Damon used to check me every day at Henrys sometimes twice!
I appreciate them being out there and always thank them.
I almost got in trouble at Shoshone in Yellowstone a ranger snuck up behind me in his kayak. I had just changed lures and forgot to smash my barbs. He gave me a stern warning and called me in to see if I had any outstanding warrants or criminal activity.
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Quite a few years ago I was wading Lake Lowell when I noticed the F&G jet boat pulling up out on the lake. They stopped about 100 yards away and yelled over that they wanted to see my license. I had waders on, but luckily I had my license on a lanyard around my neck. I held it up and they pulled out a pair of binoculars and looked it over, and gave me an OK. Nice! They didn't disturb the fish.
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[quote dtayboyz] Most guberment employees are pretty lazy. [/quote]
Talks cheap but when you open your mouth and share a statement like this you immediately reveal your ignorance to all the readers. In the future check your facts before spewing out such a gross generality.
And yes, I was a government [check your spelling Goober- yeah I know you were trying to be cute] and am proud of the 38 years service before my retirement. During that time I had the privilege to know and work with many hard working, dedicated follow employees. I won't dispute that there can be a bad apple in any basket, no matter what industry but "Most" is a totally inappropriate term for your use under the circumstances.
My apologies to the Moderators and other readers, but I just couldn't remain silent under the circumstances.
Mojo made an excellent point and I have to admit that when I regularly bank fished above and below the CJ dam back in the early to mid 2000's it was almost a guarantee license check by one of the wardens [same guy each time] every time I was there no matter day of week. For that area he'd generally park above the dam and then walk the entire dam area above and below, both sides. Given that he could just as easily have driven to most if not all fishers, I don't think you could have applied "lazy" to that guy. Sorry I can't speak for more current times but again I stand by my objection to the grossly generalized slam on our public servants.
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Last year I got checked at Pali  es. Was trolling and this boat came up trolling beside me, had a yellow lab, even had his girlfriend, went to put my boat in neutral and he said just keep moving, pulled out my license and he pulled out his binocs, and told me to have a nice day. Checked at Henry's multiple times. My only two places.
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I don't remember ever being checked until I turned maybe 29 or 30, and I had been fishing for almost 20 years by then. Since then, in 5 years, I've been checked at McTucker, a Boise pond, maybe one other. Apparently I don't frequent the popular spots enough.
All good experiences, but then I do my best to follow regulations and always have my license.
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I have been fishing since I was a kid and the only times I have been checked is within the last 5 years or so. Every time was when I was ice fishing too. We were on Cascade ice fishing last season and this young man came up to us talking about how he worked for Boeing from home in Cascade. Talked with him for a little bit and he started talking about how he was really good friends with all of the Fish and Game officers in the area. Not half hour after he left an Officer came up to all of us and checked our licenses.
Probably just us being paranoid but pretty sure that guy went and had his Fish and Game buddies come talk to us. All is good though when you follow the rules.
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I see them a lot at CJ. Already been checked once this year about three weeks ago. Two guys together, but I didn't get their names. I'm sure I'll get checked again when it starts to get busy down there in a couple of weeks.