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The bay
We hit the bay today water temp was 54 deg at the launch 6:45 am day after a storm front expecting a slow bite. Man what a surprise it was on until 12:45 pm we boated 9 eyes and 11 wiper. We invited a few eyes home for a family fish fry this weekend, pulling cranks seemed to be the ticket slow .08 to 1.2 mph, then the wind started to blow. We changed spots for 2 more hrs and then called it a day water temp was 57.9 deg when we left. Fish cleaning is almost open water was on but no grinder. Good luck out there be safe
good to hear!

I am planning to head out there sunday, weather permitting.
Very nicely done guys... Looks like you did very well, thanks for the post... J
Nice catch, glad you had a great trip, thanks for posting.
Nice report and pics Tom, thanks for sharing. I was thinking about going out yesterday, looks like I should have. I'm going out this morning, hopefully the bite is still on and the wind does not get too bad before noon or so. PM sent.
Nice, heading out myself after work at 10 to try offshore near the N marina.
Hope the weather holds a bit, but i don't mind a little rain. I havent had the best success offshore compared to a boat or toon but im given it a try.
Any tips from anyone would be appreciated.[fishon]
good luck
I don't fish from shore much but I did hear that folks are catching crappie from shore outside the North marina. If you can start around the outlet area, try working your way South casting out your normal crappie rig under a bobber. You might even pick up a wiper or two [Wink].
that's the area that i was thinking as well.
I Don't really care what i catch just wanna get out.
thanks for the info WH2
nice job tom wish I could have got out with ya , I really hate work some times[frown]
Rich I wished u could of been there it was one of them days we all dream about, plus I do miss your entertainment and comedy on the water, and u are a great angler. Now that I have you all buttered up you can show me how to catch Kokanee [Wink]
thanks tom, but you needing help to catch fish is to funny

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