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[center][shocked] Your It [shocked][/center] [center] ![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=2003;]](;postatt_id=2003;) [/center] [center]the moderator on this page has just been tagged by another modertor.[/center] [center]this is an excerzize to help moderators to learn one of the new functions at their disposal. and that is to move post that are posted on the wrong board to its propper board. we are going to have some fun with this. so if you see this post reply to it and say what board you found it on and tell us a fishing joke or a wopper of a fish tail.[/center] [center]the game is to see how long it takes for a moderator to find the post on their board and move it to another moderators board. and then reply to it him self.[/center] [ul] [li]a good thing for members to know is if the post is yours you will always be able to find your post by looking at your profile page and then check your list of post. if it has not been deleted you will see it there. [li]if any one replies to your post, no matter where it goes you will get a email note if you elected to receive send email notification on reply [li]if you subscribe to the post you will get an email notice no matter who gets a reply, meaning if some one replies to a reply that is not yours, you may not receive a notice unless you subscribe to the post string. [li]so this post will be fun to track to see where it ends up at
[#ff0000]***** please dont send this to a board that it has already been found on[/#ff0000]
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I found this post on the california board....
I went out ice fishing yesterday in south east michigan, the ice was so think I had to use 10 sticks of dinomite to blast my way through the ice just to have a 6 inch wide hole to fish out of.
the one acre pond I icefish on has giant wipers. some weighing in excess of 120 pounds. well I hooked in to one of the babes yesterday using 2 pound test line and a wax worm on a floating repala. jigging at the bottom of the lake through the hole I blasted I hooked in to the monster. I must have fought him for 26 hours yesterday. he pulled 500 yards of line off my 50 yard ultralight reel at least a dozen times before I was able to pull him through my hole in the ice.
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[font "Technical"][#0000ff][size 4]I found this post on the Wyoming board. . . . [/size][/#0000ff][/font]
[font "Technical"][#0000ff][size 4]One day Dave was out fishing and was not having any luck at all, he tried lures, worms and other types of bait and was just not catching anything. Tom was fishing about 20 feet from him and was catching fish as fast as he cast his line out. Dave was getting very jealous of this show off, so he asked the Tom what he was using for bait. The man said " I am using worms, but I dip them in whiskey" Dave got really interested in this technique so he asked Tom if he could try one of these drunk worms. Tom had no problem with this request so he handed Dave one of the worms. Dave placed the worm on the hook and cast out no sooner than his hook hit the water, his pole began to bow like crazy, he set his hook and started to reel it in. Once he got his catch up to the shore he noticed that the worm had the fish by the throat...... [/size][/#0000ff][/font]
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Any way this wiper I hooked in to when it was layed on the scales tipped the dial at over 800 pounds.
he was wearing granny glasses and had a big o'l bushy mustach and token on foot long stogie. He lifted his head and looked up at me and said hey bud ya gotta light?
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i found this post on the fishing stories board anywho here a recent story that happened to me here in utah we had a BFT get together for some icefishing this was at a lake called lost creek know for fast action but small fish and thats what just was going on caught over 40 fish most in the 8"-10" size rainbows and cutthrout trout so i get a bite and set the hook my drag starts screaming getting everybodys notice i could feel the weight on this fish and tell it was no dink got my first look after about 10 min. a HUGE rainbow a couple of other people standing around start yelling things like its a #$%#@! monster made a 27" cutt i caught this year look like a dink anywho a bunch more people come running over all of a sudden you hear CRACK from the ice that sent everbody running the other way this fish made several more runs got it to the hole 3 times wish i could say i landed him and had a picture to show but it was not to be just could not get his head turned up with 4# mono a guess to size was about 28" and 10# for me probably a once in a life time fish
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i dont have time to play tag i just blew the trany on my car
found on idaho board
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[cool][size 1]I found this lurking on my Float Tubing board, and I[/size][size 1]'d rather be fishing than playing games.[/size]
[size 1]Happy holidays everybody.[/size]
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I found this on the Texas forum and new it was going to be there when I returned from my holliday trip. Sorry for the delay in moving it.
Went fishing on the gulf coast on my trip and spent 11 1/2 hours working a 268lb Hammerhead off of the end of the pier. When I finaly got it in to the pier I realised that my 60lb line was not going to be able to get my catch on the pier. As there was no one on the pier but me I thought about jumping in and draging my catch to the shore. Changed my mind when I remembered that the water was over my head and I can not swimm very well. So another 4 hours is what it took to work my catch to the shore along the pier. Got it to the shore and headed down the ramp to the beach. Boy was that fish worn out! I grabed it by the tail and fliped it over my sholder and walked the 1/2 mile to the cottage. Spent the rest of the trip at the Barbi coking my catch for all the neighbors and friends that let me catch it with out their help! I think it will be a while before I try to land another hammerhead as it was a great party but the cost of wood on the island to cook it was a bit over my budget so I had to hitch hike the 1400 miles back home. Will have to save mony to get my truck home now and that will not be cheep eather. But all in all it was a great 3 days! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
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i found this on the nevada board, jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeshhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Found on Utah board while I was landing a 26" perch from a 5 gallon bucket in my yard!
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this story reminds me of an adventure I made several weeks back,
my 2 year old grand neice and I were perched apon a crocadial's nest next to a 20 foot log trolling for dowg fish in the most northern section of the mississippi rever in minisota.
we sat there for about 4 hours with out getting a single bite. then the sun poped out from behind the mountains where the river origionates from. And the bite was on, we were pulling in one dowg after another, my neice though she didnt get the biggest dowg out of the buch she did most avidly pull in the most. she landed 3 walkers two springers 5 blue ticks 15 beagles and one snouser; all on a single slice of balogna.
when we got up to head in at the end of the day we found bunch of little nippers dangaling from our highnies. It is my guess we must have sat there so long we hatched the crock eggs.
as we started snickering at predisposed situation, that 20 foot log started moving in to the water, to our astonishment, my great great great grand neice said, "that was one big "Crock" [angelic]
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I found it again on the for sale page! I am not a moderator but this is fun!!
I am internet fishing one day and I get this .........?
Finish the story if you find this post!
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....e-mail from bill dance asking for advice on how too.......? your turn !
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[green] I found this page on the buy sell trade board.
Hey I once drilled a hole in the ice using my moms old hand cranked egg beater, and caught a wopper of a largemouthcrappieater.. but then I woke up.
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I found this on the buy sell and trade board,
our moderator on that board is temporaly off line for an undisclosed period of time. he has been out fishing for gar,
he wrote me and said, he was using cow gizzards for bait and is having a rough time fighting off the gators, so far this week he has landed 15 300 pound gars, 19 ten foot gaters, and one mako shark out of the mississippi river trolling off the back of the mississippi Queen.
he says the trolling gets a bit rough when the queen starts backing up. the paddle weel has jerked 6 rods out of his hand this week alone.
he also mentioned that the gambling was good, every one is bettin on what he is going to pull up next.
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I found this on the ohio board. Have learned a lot.
Thought I would tell you about one trip my dog and I made to a nearby creek. The bass had been biting and I was hungry . As we arrived at the creek the dog went into the water, I thought for a swim but she stood still and all of a sudden she ducked and brought out a nice 2 pound small mouth bass. Of course she told me that she wanted it for her supper and I would have to catch my own. Shelfish dog isn't she?
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i found it,was moveingwhen i was suddenly enticed to fish in my frezzer and caught moby dick. man it was hard landing him but he came in after gallon of rum and three dozen harpoons but now what to do with all this bulbber anyone know the price of blubber ?
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hey , can anyone tell me how to get to wallawalla, washington ? is it a left at alberkirkey , or a right at sescatchawan ?
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If I am reading my map right, just walk in to mauldoon right down main streat, do a one eighty and walk right back out and you will be there...
while you are there pick up some of them wallawalla onions for me, I got a hankoring for onion rings.
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i musta taken a wrong turn somewhere i ended up stuck on mainstreet for months , you know where it says "lane ends " . well they finally put in a off ramp there so i could continue on my journey .
i'm pretty lost ! the name of the town i'm in is hootersville , mr. druckers store . beleve me , you don't want to see sam drucker in his hootersville costume [  ].