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Need help...I have tried to use baitcasters and spinning reals and I cant make either one work...I can use a closed face reel but everyone I know gives me a ton of grief about using it saying only children use those...I have tried and tried and I cant use the other kind...I go fishing all the time at differnt parts of the lake using different types of lures and live bait and I haven't caught a fish in over a year..about ready to take everything I own and throw it in the lake and never touch it again...please help!
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Welcome to the site Everett. Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time catching fish. What kind of bait fishing have you tried, have you tried worms? As far as folks giving you a hard time about the reel you are using, forget them, use what works best for you
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I have used all different kinds of lures and even just regular worms and hook and is not like I am not trying..just nothing works
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Have you tried talking to someone at a local bait shop? Sometimes those guys know all the good baits and lures and even locations to fish. The catching has been slow around here as well but next month should be really good. Some times crickets are a very good bait.
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Have tried crickets they dont work either...thinking I should just find something new to do..cause fishing obviously isn't for me..cant make anything work
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WH2 is correct when he says its not a great time of year unless your down south. Trout can be caught now up north and crickets are the way to go. Remember its all in the location. I can't tell you how many fishless days I had when I was young. But that first trout changed all that. Keep at it.
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Mmmmmm, I sense a bit of one sided frustration. First off, calm down, take a deep breath, and relax. The first thing i'm going to do is hurt your feelings. Then i'm going to tell you what to do.
If you can't cast a bait caster or a spinning reel, it's not the reels fault. You're doing it wrong. I suggest you swallow your pride, get with a friend that does know how to use them, and practice with them. The only way you'll learn how to cast a reel properly is with practice and proper instruction. If you would like, we can do our best here to talk you through it, but don't forget you tube, which in this day and age has become a great learning tool for almost anything. Best part about you tube, you get to keep your pride intact.
Next, if you're not catching fish, it's not the fishes fault. Either you're not doing it right, or there aren't many fish in the area you are fishing. This is easy enough to fix, but we need more detail than "I can't catch anything and i'm going to toss all my gear." LOL!!!! Answers these questions below, and we will go from there:
What State are you in?
What body of water?
Salt or fresh water?
What species of fish are native to that body of water?
What kind of structure is around?
Do you have a boat?
Those are absolutely critical questions that need answered. If you're using tactics that target say catfish, and the body of water is not known for catfish, well, you're not going to catch anything. We need to "fine tune" your tactics to the area you are fishing, the time of year (which dictates fish location in most instances), and what the target species is. To be successful at fishing, you can't just toss a line out with some random bait, in a random spot and expect the magic to happen. You have to target specific species. Why? Because you need to be on their front step at feeding time with their favorite food or you will rarely catch a fish. Great anglers are great because they know the fish.
Answers those questions, and we'll get you catching fish in no time.
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Well I tried and tried could not get it to work...if anyone on here is from Georgia and you ever make it to acworth beach on lake Allatoona there are a few rods and reels floating with a tackle bag feel free to have them...the rods and reels are brand new with new line on them...gonna go find something else to do
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Fishing is like anything else in live, the more you do it the better you get at it but for most of us we fish because we like to fish. We relax and in general have a good time while fishing, whether we catch fish or not. If you don't enjoy it why do it. I always say, if I catch fish that is a bonus but it is not the reason I fish.
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Well put [fishon]
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Casting open face spinning rigs and bait casters are a lot different than closed face reels. Maybe you can explain how you were trying to cast these and we can go from there.