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New record wiper
I just got a text with pics of a new state record wiper from southern utah….the fish weighed over 11 pounds and is being verified as I speak…congratas to the lucky angler!

I am sure the DWR will come out with a press release and some good pics of the fish soon…apparently, the fish was officially weighed about a day after it was caught. The pics I have of the beast are in front of the UDWR office in Cedar City!
Over 11 pounds -- after sitting in the refrigerator for over 24 hours!!

It's a freaking hog!

I hope that the lucky angler posts some pictures for us all to see.
Minersville and Newcastle has always produced some very large fish, from rainbows to Smallies to wiper. I love to fish those reservoirs!
Way cool [cool]. I have been reading up on Wipers and found the all tackle record is just over 27 lbs. That would be like hooking into a 30 lb carp on meth! I hope someday to hear of wipers in the 20 lb range here in Utah.
will I say bs if you took a pic. of it the let us see the pics fish
I received the pics from a fisheries biologist in the southern region office…he asked me to wait on posting any pics until the DWR news release comes out. The fish is legit….you will see some pics soon enough.
utduck -- I've got a picture of it as well. However, it isn't our picture to distribute - especially on the intermagicalwebs.

We should see something soon.
I've seen the pic as well and spoken with the "catcher". Its a pig for sure, girth is almost as long as the length.

Inside news, the paperwork will be filed beginning of next week.
Looks like the UDWR finally put up a post on Facebook about this wiper:

[url ""]New State Record Wiper[/url]

big fish. Congrats to the angler. There's more where that came from....
Your wish could easily come true if Wipers were in Utah Lake.
[quote SBennett]Your wish could easily come true if Wipers were in Utah Lake.[/quote]

I don't think i agree. Summer water temps are just too warm for the wipers. I think that's why New Castle has grown larger wipers than Willard ever has -- deeper water providing relief from summer time temperatures.

However, with wipers in other reservoirs across the state (Otter Creek, Minersville, Piute, Huntington North) I think the potential to grow even larger wipers is very possible. These other reservoirs all have depths greater than 50'. Also, they all provide an very good prey base (utah chubs), with the exception of New Castle where wipers have nearly eliminated the illegally introduce golden shiners (they now prey on crayfish).

I think this newly broken state record wiper is just the beginning.
There's something about Utah Lake that is keeping the White Bass from reaching anything more than a couple of pounds. Why would Wipers suddenly grow bigger? White Bass are capable of 5 pounds. There's a bottleneck, and I doubt that a Wiper would be any more likely to get past it than a White Bass.

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Lack of a forage fish is the primary reason, along with all the other mouths to feed in the pond. Primary forage at Utah Lake is midge larve, then young of the year fry, and then the few forage minnows like fat heads, pond smelt, shiners, etc. In the midwest, where you get good size WB, the primary forage is threadfin and gizzard shad. Until the June Sucker issue is resolved, you may see a few bigger WB in UL, but they are limited by forage and being eaten by everyone else !!
Holy cow. I know Russ pretty good and his parents even better. I cant believe his dad hasn't told me about this........ we live on the same block!

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