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Starvy Monday 6-9-14
[#0000FF]Went fishing with Bassrods. I'll let him supply all the info and pics. NOT.

Met up with gofish435 at Rabbit Gulch this morning. Air temp 40 at 7 am launch. Water temp 59. Glad I decided to bring my waders...just in case. It was definitely case. Water level still high but has dropped a foot or two from high water mark.

Started out with a jig and fly combo while crossing the channel to check on a walleye spot to the north. Pesky rainbows bent my stick and stretched my string. Jumped and frolicked a bit too. Kept a couple and released a half dozen or so.

Saw very few fish on sonar. Wonder if all the boats and campers...and jet skis...had anything to do with that. The camping area was as full as on a summer weekend. And I'm sure they didn't all just arrive with us on Monday morning. Fishies were living in a blender all weekend.

Sent down a lot of offerings to try to find something besides trout. Mostly quiet on the fishing front. Over about 5 hours I managed one perch, one small smallie and one sixteen inch walleye. But I did see a few more fish in some areas...all with their middle fins upraised. Never did see any schools or real concentrations. Singles here and there.

Tom and his fishing buddy Steve scored a few on flies. Saw Tom playing with several trout and was there to record his epic battle with a nice little smallie. They have been getting some nice walleyes on flies too but hadn't got any today by the time I boogied around noon.

I started heading in after a long period of inactivity about 11:30. Right on cue the power squadron started tuning up and the east breeze began to get a little huffy. Water temp had made it past 60...but needs a few more degrees to get the fish more active.

Good seeing you again Tom and thanks for the hooks.
Well looks like it will be time to head up there soon. I will take the beast up and it will give me a little more mobility. [cool]. May have been slow but still looks fun.
[#0000FF]It's always fun...but some trips are more fun than others. Until the water rounds about 65 it will be here and there...mostly there.

Another couple of weeks should make a lot of difference.
That's good, for after the two trips I am planning this week I won't be able to get out again until the 30th at the earliest.
Pat! You still need to mount that outboard on that floaty. I found 60* on Memorial weekend. Might head back up this weekend to check on a couple places
Nice report, Pat.

It was fun to finally get out and share some fishing time with you. It sounds like you picked up about all the species that Starvation has to offer. I guess you could tell that when I leave town I wear a disguise so no one will recognize me. I didn't realize how bad I looked until you posted my picture. I'm glad you made it over today, it's too bad the fishing wasn't a little better for you.
Thanks again for sharing your hot head fly designs with me. It has been fun experimenting with them and they do catch fish.[Wink]

[inline P1040459(2).JPG]

[#0000bf]TubeDude[/#0000bf] in action!
I never could find any water higher than 57 degrees the 6 days we were there over Memorial weekend but I really didn't fish any shallow water except after dark. Going head back down on the 18th for 5 days for a 2nd round.
Pat thanks for the great opening statement on the thread. It sure made me roll on the floor laughing [laugh].

It sure reminded me about this movie clip[laugh].
[#0000FF]It helps to have a craft with power enough to allow you to search the lake for more favorable conditions. Last year I started one day at Knight Hollow and found temps lower than later at Rabbit Gulch. A few degrees can make a big difference spring and fall...when the temps are important to the fish.

Got the big 250 Merc but having trouble with the motor mount. You got any idea how much PVC it takes to attach one of those big boys?
[#0000FF]Yeah, it was good to share some water with you finally. Glad you guys did well. I suspected that it might get better as the water warmed a bit. You mentioned that the afternoon bite had been better lately and that is probably the reason.

In a couple of weeks it might shift to an early bite. But I have often had some of my best walleye action around noon...even on days when the water temps were higher earlier. Silly Starvy wallies never read the books that say walleyes only bite at night.

Glad the flies are working for you. I'll be using them more through this summer at different spots too. I got one trout on the copper yesterday and lost another BIG one on it.

About that "disguise". Better to be well protected from the sun than to dazzle the world with your beautiful face. I dose up good with sunscreen and wear the "Foreign Legion" hat, but haven't gone to the full face covering yet. Probably should. Might not scare as many women and children.

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