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The Pig Produces
[#484848]wiperhunter2 and myself had a joint venture at the pig today and she produced some piglets for us.[/#484848]
[#484848]We both lost double our limits but we each hung on for another.[/#484848]
[#484848]My home made lures didn't pan out as good as I had planned but they did catch some and I think I can refine them a lot from todays experience.[/#484848]
[#484848]Fun times WH2, I really enjoyed the day ....... Even the little rain storm was fun.[/#484848]
Good to hear. Maybe there's hope for tomorrow. Needless, it'll be a better day than working.

So when did they install a cleaning station at Porky? <jk>
Thanks for the report. What's up with all the pre releases? Soft mouths or not stopping boat while reeling them in? I used to lose a lot of Kokes and then it got better and I don't know if I did something different or what changed. Hope if I get up there that I can get some to the boat. Might be that I haven't caught big enough numbers of Koke lately to notice that I'm losing some. Glad you guys had a great trip and thanks for the report. J
You must have been doing something right to catch that many without losing a bunch more.
We had a lot of SDR's, It seems like every time that I would kneel down with the net, they would take off like a shot. In fairness, I did beat one of his off with the net, but we were getting close to limits and I wanted to fish a little bit more.

We decided that you need a fly rod with a bungee cord line and a whole bunch of Gamy hooks attached to each lure, and a net with a tracking device.
The difference was the rained, my first trip up there it rained and we caught our limit, the second trip up there, it did not rain and no limits, third trip it rained and we caught limits. It is clear to me, if it rains, I can catch fish and get them in the boat, if it doesn't rain, I can't get them in the boat[Wink]. Of course adding that tribble hook on to the Epic lure didn't hurt either.[Tongue] Enjoyed getting up there with you yesterday CarDell, even with the down pour we got, it did not effect the catching.
One thing we noticed yesterday that was out of the ordinary, was a guy fishing in a small pontoon or so we thought. It turned out that he was fishing in one of those amphibious ATV's. Wish I had got a picture but it looked like he had modified it and added a trolling motor and some sort of pontoons from a large dia pvc pipe to maker it more stable in the water.
Hi wiperhunter2: I wish I had come and said hi to you guys, That was me in the amphibious, I am rather shy and don't usually bother other fisherman. I'm pretty sure that was you guys I was watching and wondering how the heck you were catching them, I only caught one koke and one rainbow while up there in a day and a half, but what a fun place to spend a little time. We were camped just below the dam. I did see a moose come down the hill and stand in the edge of the lake for a while for a drink then back up he went.
[#484848]You shouldn't be so shy. I wanted to see that fishing machine that you had. I told WH2 to keep an eye out for when you got out of the water, as I wanted to check it out.[/#484848]
[#484848]However, you left and went puttering down the road before we knew you were gone.[/#484848]
[#484848]That has to be a fun outfit to take camping. [/#484848]
I wanted to come over and check out your rig but i was afraid we might get to close for your comfort. Could you post a picture or two of how you have it rigged up? Did you add the tubes on either side of your amphibious to give you more stability? Petty cool seeing that moose I bet. Most of the mountains around here have moose but I have never seen up up there, was it early in the morning?
The moose I saw up by the pig was probably around 8 am or so, it walked right down that steep boat ramp on the north side, looked like a fairly young one but did have a nice rack for its size. About the amphibious, I did build a motor mount for the front and bought a cheap winch,( which has saved me a few times in the soft sand along the river, it my have 6 wheels but it still gets stuck). and then added the PVC pontoons to make it more stable, they are just held on with C- clamps so they can be taken off easy. I farm along the Bear River so it is handy to drive down to the river and catch a cat once and a while. I will try and post a picture, hope it works, haven't done pictures before.
Interesting rig.[bobsurprised] never seen anything like that before. Except a WWII duck.
Wow, that is so cool, thanks for sharing that pic. That would have been perfect for the Cutler floatilla, too bad you could not make it this year.
[#484848][#000000]Wow .......[/#000000] [/#484848][#000000]I'm inpressed ...... TubeDude would love to get his pvc pickin paws on that thing.[/#000000]
[quote WaveWolf][#484848][#000000]Wow .......[/#000000] [/#484848][#000000]I'm inpressed ...... TubeDude would love to get his pvc pickin paws on that thing.[/#000000][/quote]

Ha - I'll bet TD HAS some PVC paws rigged up somewhere.

Ever had that amphi up at Newton? Seen someone in and out of that lake a year or two back. Don't think it had all the accoutrements. So - a gas troller - but at the nose? Guess you can sit facing "backwards" to watch you rods? Have a downrigger? Found that helps for targetting depth.

If you farm around the Bear, wonder if you and Jeff are aquainted? Birds of a feather as it were.

Had a good day out with Petty4life today. Nice to get better aquainted with a few of them silver sided beauties. Got some steaming in parchment paper now!
Had a good day out with Petty4life today. Nice to get better aquainted with a few of them silver sided beauties. Got some steaming in parchment paper now![/quote]

Hope yours turn out as well as these Smokin Beauties.
Hi CoyoteSpinner:I read your posts on here all the time, had the amphibious to Newton a few times ice fishin but never in the summer. I don't have a downrigger on it but i do carry a downrigger ball on 25 ft of small rope, little bit awkward but it does work. I do know Jeff, and his parents and brother and sister, what a great family. They live down river a few miles from where I live.
Hey Danny do you have leadcore line? If the Kokes are only 25' down you ought to be able to get them with that. If ya don't have it come borrow mine and see if it will work for you. I might be able to run up next week if I get the hay watered without too many problems. Hope they will still be biting by then. Thanks for the kind words. Later Jeff

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