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Jmax, Chick, Cancer Benefit Tournament*for the win*, 8/2/14, Derek(Pics added)
I got to admit, after my good day yesterday I was worried my luck might not hold out. No worries, did even better. emoAngel Like I said on yesterday's report me and Derek have been on a roll since the first of June and it is still going. I know the bubble will pop, it always does. I keep thinking will this be the one. Well it ended up it was not on this one. We started off in one of Derek's favorite little out of the way places and put about 15 bass in the boat in the first 45 minutes. The issue was only one was about 4 lbs, one about 2 lbs and the rest were short. Derek appeared to hook a hog but it did not want to play and came off very quickly. Moved to another spot of his and we blanked. At that time he asked me where I would like to go and off we headed to the area where several of my fish came from yesterday.<br /><br />They were still there but very hard to get to bite. I hung what appeared to be a good one but she came off quickly too. emoScratch I told Derek this was looking poor and we had better stop loosing the better fish. Working ditches and drops we proceeded to get some in the boat. Derek put a three in the well to give us our limit. Shortly after that I put two more fours in the boat to cull his three and the two from that first place. These fish were coming off T-rigged worms, shakey heads, cranks and swims. Not to long after that I had a really good one load up on a deep crank, Derek seems to always be taking a leak when this happens and he thought I was just giving him a bad time since he was busy. emoLaugh I yelled at him to get the dang net and I did not care. He then knew I was serious. That one was over 5. Now with two solid fours and the five in the well we were feeling pretty good. emoSmile Derek was using a t-rig and thought he was hung. Trying to shake it off the hang his hang up pulled back. emoEek Setting the hook after trying to take it away from a fish normally does not work but in this case it did. His rod doubled over and the fight was on. This fish fought like a whale, we both thought it would be a monster. It turned out to be a good one but not as big as we thought. Got the net under her and she was 5 and three quarters. emoDance Culled a four and a half for that one. I was telling Derek with us having 15 lbs or there close we might be able to win this thing.<br /><br />Not really thinking we would do much better we moved around a couple more times. Caught a few more but nothing that would help. It was now about 1:00 o'clock. Working a grass point out on the main lake with the boat sitting in about 14 foot I made a pitch with a shakey to the edge of some deep grass in about eleven feet. I don't think it reached the bottom. :o Rod loaded up and I set the hook, it did not move. I held on and just applied pressure. Derek asked, "Is that a fish?", I told him it was and sure hoped it was a bass. I said, "I can't turn it." I think Derek got more excited then me. emoLaugh I think he told me to back off the drag at least four or five times. It then turned and headed straight for the boat. I hate it when they do that. Under the boat it went and I headed for the back to go under the motor. Before I could do it she turned around and came full speed out of the water about a foot right by the motor. She looked every bit of nine. She bull dogged on us a couple times and Derek had the net ready, he almost got her but when she saw the net she sounded again. emoGoofy I thought I would loose her but the line held and up she came again, this time he got under her and she came into the net. She had a huge body but was skinny for that big of a fish. Ended up weighing 7.13 lbs on the CBA scales.<br /><br />Out with our last four and a halfer. I knew then we would probably win but you just never know for sure. Ended up with 18.31 lbs for the win. emoDance That was a great day for us. Considering the two four and a halfers we culled our best five would have been over 27 lbs. With the August CBA coming up next weekend I sure hope we can come close to doing that again. emoTongue Jmax<br /><br />Here is a link to the results...<br /><br />

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