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Gene and I fished Willard last evening from 4 pm till 8 pm. Water temp was up this week to 78*, from 74* temp of last week. Fishing was decent compared to last week. We ended up with 5 wipers up to 20" and one walleye. A few boats on the lake but not bad. The biggest issue with fishing in the evening is the mosquitoes when you get off the water but a nice evening on the water other than that.
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Did you see any boils or diving birds? I have a new boat I want to get out on Willard at some point this year.
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Keyboard hint: If you are using a real keyboard, hold ALT and hit 248 on the numeric keypad (not the top typewriter numbers) and you get °
For more useful characters, see here:
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Yes, we did see a few diving birds but no boils. If you get out there be careful with the low water condition.
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° Thanks for the info Rocky. FYI, I could not get it to work until I hit the Num lock key.
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[quote RockyRaab]Keyboard hint: If you are using a real keyboard, hold ALT and hit 248 on the numeric keypad (not the top typewriter numbers) and you get °
For more useful characters, see here: [url ""][/url]
Rocky, Thank you, thank you, thank you ... I don't know how many posts I have put up and tried to get the ° sign in there. Just the other day I was successful but only after copying and pasting from Word.
Thanks again man!
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Yea Rocky, what Old Coot said............thanks[  ]
°°°° yee ha it worked !!
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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I keep a little cheatsheet taped near my computer to remind me of symbols I use a lot, such as
½ ¼ ± ÷ ° ² ™ © and ¢
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Numlock "turns on" the keypad function. Otherwise it's typically a cursor key navigator. Don't bother trying on your "smart phone" or tablet. Stick to emoticons!
I "printed" to PDFs if that's any help. They aren't downloadable graphics.
Been wondering if there is a "syntax key" for the BFT interface? Funny - how on my tablet is "shows" the codes for the emoticons and quotes and such - so you COULD type them in...
[quote Coyotespinner sed]
If you know HTML or XML, you may be familiar with being up to your ass in alligators while they drain the pond! [/quote]
Also attached some Facebook codes, though they won't work here, can't even "like" a post. Too bad so many view with no feedback even (damned lurkers and litterers!)
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So - if I were to taunt the Willard mistress, any suggestions N or S marina for my little 12foot? Head north or south from there? I've headed N from N, and both S and N from the south, but never S from the North! Have I  you yet?
I know it will be a busy camping weekend, just thinking (hoping) they lake is so low, that maybe... N. or the N marina seemed popular with the Jetski boneheads, so maybe try Southward? Shorter drive.
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It has been so long since I used the Numlock on the keypad function, I forgot all about it when I first tried it, I must have tried it 3 or 4 times before I went DUH!!!
Ever time I tried it, it took me out of the reply and right back to just viewing the thread.[crazy] With your little boat you can launch at either marina but the north is closer for you. If you are worried about people then the South has zero traffic and might be the way to go but we were fishing the North run of the Openness, so the North marina was closer.
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Yote did you catch anything today? J
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Not even a sunburn. Only pitched for about an hour. Had a bump and saw a few minnow chases rise up. AND of course the usual floppy carp everywhere.
Seems like dusk often turns things on there. Itching to see the other side of that river, all those dimples - are they bubbles of minnows flitting around - I just can't tell.
I might just bright the kayak float that stretch. Wish there was a closer launch, quite a journey from above or below.
Might run up river the afternoon (if weather doesn't turn?) or just drop in at Benson and putter around.
[inline Bump.jpg]
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John, hey I have seen a ton of minnows jumping and such where I was fishing. Wished I would have had a sein or casting net so I could get some carp minnows. Didn't have any this year and it really shut down my trolling for kitties. Only caught a few that way this year so I've gone to bank fishing mostly. That and the new toon doesn't troll as nice as my old one.
So did you go out today? If so hope you did well. I'm too lazy to go try them tonight, guess the bugs are getting the best of me lately. Man they are terrible the last few weeks. Hope they die off soon. Well catch ya later J
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I was out yesterday evening, the lake was like glass and very little traffic. I drifted night crawlers and had a shrimp on the bottom. I caught a typical sized catfish (bout 17 inches) and one small wiper, both on night crawlers. I'm staying at the campground and will probably go back this evening as well.
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Nice job and welcome to the forum. Hope you get into them again. I really want to get back over to Willard, hopefully soon. Thanks for your post and nice to have you with us. Later J