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UL low tide pics 9-7-14
[#0000FF]Took my child bride to breakfast this morning and then headed for Utah Lake to check out a couple of things...and to enjoy a nice sunny morning.

First on the list was the Knolls. It has been closed to public access since late 2012 but ongoing negotiations between land owners and DWR...along with Utah county commissioners...are making good progress. In anticipation of an agreement, Utah County has sprinkled some new gravel on the access road from mile marker 19 (Redwood Rd or Hwy 68) down to the water's edge. Not much grading or other road maintenance but the gravel is nice. Better than rutted mud.

But, that's about it. There are still posted signs for the property on both sides of the road and above the shoreline road next to the water. In other words, you can drive down and fish but you can't drive, park, shoot or party on the property away from that access.

Water levels are almost as low as they got towards the end of the last big drought...ending in 2004. Only a few more inches to drop and it will be there. That means that the water anywhere close to the shoreline is pretty shallow. According to some good ol' boy (GOB) bank tanglers we talked to down there, the catfish were tearing it up until about 2 weeks ago. Then when the cooling storms and lower water temps showed up the fish moved out deeper. There are some deeper spots off the Knolls, if you know where to look, so it should be good for tubers and boaters in the next weeks.

We were pleasantly surprised to see very little trash, in spite of evidence that there have been a few folks using the area again. And the guys we talked to said they are regulars and usually bag up and remove some trash on every trip. Still, when we drove east to another area where a small group was wading and fishing offshore we found a couple of dirty diapers and some "imported" beer bottles and boxes. Why can't they take out what they bring in?

Drove around the back side of the lake and was amazed at all the acreage that has been planted in corn since our last trip around there. Somebody must believe that ethanol is the wave of the future.

Super low water conditions around Goshen Bay area. But there were several groups of bank tanglers enjoying the nice day. Didn't see much evidence of action or excitement. Water has to be very shallow there too.

Couldn't believe my eyes as we approached Lincoln Point. There were trucks parked out on the exposed rock shelves and quite a few wading anglers working over the shelf lines off shore. Looked about like it did back in 2004...before the big winter filled the lake to the high water mark again.

The fence that has been keeping the public out of Lincoln Point area has been opened...between the old building and the turnout area. Not sure if the property owners are complying with public access requirements for lake shore below high water mark or if impatient anglers tore it down. Will have to see whether it gets closed up and reposted. But for now you can drive down on the old dirt roads...but be careful. Good tires and high clearance advised.

The concrete barrier across the dirt road off the north dike at Lincoln Beach has also been moved off and you can drive out to the first spring. The rock shelves out there are out of water and driveable. Watch out for Corona beer bottles left on the ground. I ran over one but did not get a flat.

There was a truck parked at the first spring when we drove out for a look. They were launching a small tin boat inside the spring...with oars motor. But the guy had to row a few yards to a rock dock...for his wife and kid to crawl in the boat. Hope the wind didn't come up later. At least the kid was putting on a life vest as we left.

Purty day for a drive in the country with the old lady. And I found a couple of spots I wanna dunk my tube as soon as Mama Nature settles down for at least a day or two.
We're the people wading out catching anything out there?
[#0000FF]They were out a long ways and I didn't have my binos with me. However, I did see one of the waders at the Knolls hand a fish to another guy. Looked like it might have been a white bass.

Just a bit early for the real good fall action along the edges of the rock shelves. Water temp right now is still well over 60 degrees, but it will drop fast when nighttime temps get below 50. Once the water gets between 55 to 60 there will be good action on white bass and walleyes. Although the white bass population is still down and there are a lot of small ones. Haven't seen one over 12 inches for over a year. But lots of the young ones from this year's spawn to bring in the hungry walleyes.

I fished the deeper water off Lincoln Point last week and caught some catfish and some white bass. Had one walleye hooked...but lost at the net. I got all my action in 5-7 feet of water. Water temps then were 65 to 70. Another couple of weeks should make it worth wading out and making a lot of new friends. Just walk carefully and wear a floating hat tied under your chin.
Nice to see the pics of the different places. Definitely need more water though.
My friend and I fished LB this morning, we were the boat in picture between the trucks. I caught a 5 lbs walleye and 6 channel cats. Saw 3 walleyes caught by the people wading out.
[#0000FF]Thanks. I figured there would be a few fish showing up. It will only get better with some warmer temps. And with the lower water levels it will concentrate the fish more too.

What depth were you finding to be most productive?

Hey Pat, due you know how deep the marina is ?? I might have to give LB a try in the next few. thanks.
[#0000FF]When I tubed it last week the depth in the channel was just over 2'...enough for most boats. But you gotta stay in the middle. There is about 3-4' at the bottom of the ramp and in the basin. And the depth drops to 4-5' as you leave the channel and head for the buoys.

There were several good sized boats out on the water around Lincoln Beach and some big boat trailers in the lot. If the lake keeps dropping before they shut off the gates at the pump house you might have to invest in a push pole.

I'll have to take my toon out there later this week and give it a try.
We were fishing in 7ft depth but it is still slow. Agreed with you that it will pick up here in a week or two. I will try again this weekend.

thanks Pat,
Good to see some access opening up again, but those water levels aren't so good. Hope we get more snow this winter.

That must have been a really really looong drive you took. Your "child bride" aged to "old lady" before you even got home! [shocked][laugh][laugh]
[#0000FF]The low water levels are actually a boon to us float tuber types. It reduces the access to boats...with some of the harbors now being too shallow to launch large craft. But we can still launch tubes and toons almost anywhere we wanna. The low water at Lincoln Beach opens up a lot of good tube launching spots that are much closer to the best fishing than if we had to launch at the ramp.

Also, the lower water tends to concentrate the fish more...especially as they seek out deeper spots in the cooler temps. There aren't many places in the lake with depths greater than 3 to 4 feet so the few deeper holes off Bird Island, The Knolls and Lincoln Beach attract more fish. And more fish attract more of us tubers. Unfortunately, it also attracts whole floatillas of happy harvesters in their tin boats. Gets to be a real zoo on some prime spots.

Child bride to old lady. Happens fast when you get to be our age. At least it seems like time goes faster. I also refer to our marriage as "holy wedded macaroni" or "awful wedded bliss". You should hear her pet names for me. Ahhh...terms of endearment.
I'm shocked the water level is going down so fast despite rains we've had the last month or so. Then again, I think they're letting more water out of Utah lake cause i've been fishing the jordan river every once in a while and this past weekend it looked like it was up a little. The fishing for kitties has been really good in one of my spots depending on the day so I think the fall hot fishing is coming very soon it will be excellent.
[#0000FF]Some water users have high demands through the normally warm months of August and September. So they keep letting water go downstream...even though the water users don't need it. But they won't cut back or they will lose their allotment for next year. Lots of extra water going into Salt Lake.

The gates will be closed on the Jordan River outlet about the first of October. Then if there is any more moisture Utah Lake will start rising slowly again. It came up about a foot per month last year. Would have been a lot better if there was enough snow for a big runoff.

Glad the kitties are cooperatin'. It is going to be tougher when the water flow drops in the Jordan and water temps drop also.
Yeah there's definitely flaws with the system. As far as kitties go, I will say I am a bit disappointed as far as size is concerned. My biggest one came in at 28 inches this year and after getting 26-28 inch ones in that spot, they stopped biting at that spot so I searched for new spots. I know there's got to be monsters in my spot because it's deep(sounds like its deeper than most of utah lake based on your pictures lol) and there's coverage. But I've only got 22-24 inch typical ones to shore. But right now should be peak and hopefully I get one or several memorable ones like last year Wink.
'"Why can't they take out what they bring in? "

Have you ever been to Mexico? I have, several times. They treat thier own country like it's a dump. Why would they treat our country any different?
[quote BS]'"Why can't they take out what they bring in? "

Have you ever been to Mexico? I have, several times. They treat thier own country like it's a dump. Why would they treat our country any different?[/quote]

[#0000FF]I have traveled, fished and dived all over Mexico. And yes, there are places where there is an ugly trash problem. But the same can be said for our country. There is always an element that simply doesn't care about doing their part to reduce the trash and pollution, regardless of what country you live in.

I am not a racist. Both of my sons are married to Hispanic ladies...and Spanish is a second language in our family. And I will have to defend the Mexican people by saying that throughout most of their country...and where they live in the USA...most of them take great pride in their surroundings and can set examples for all of us.

That being said, it seems that a high percentage of the littering and trash left at the Knolls is directly attributable to folks from Mexico. Some of them use (and leave behind) tin can handline fishing systems, with monofilament line all over the place and fouling the bottom out from the beach. Others set up large camps with multiple people and leave behind stacks of dirty diapers, empty cans of Mexican food items, Mexican beer bottles and cases, etc. I have watched several of these groups during a day of fishing and have observed them just throwing garbage around and leaving it when they go.

I speak fairly good Spanish and I first try to talk to them in English...but usually get the blank looks so I switch to Spanish to ask them to clean up their mess. Then I get hostility. Only being a big guy and "carrying" (CC permit) has kept me from being accosted a few times. And a couple of other times I have had to open my fishing vest to reveal my weapon to prevent being mugged by small groups of Hispanic males...who I could easily hear plotting their "hostile takeover" while out on the water.

There. I have vented. But I should also say that I have encountered far more Hispanic individuals and families down there who were neat, clean and responsible. There are a couple of the regular anglers with whom I often share my jigs...and tips about where the fishing is best. We enjoy talking "Spanglish" whenever we are both down there.

After all that, I must say that the absolute worst cases of trashing I have witnessed have been by "Anglos". Some are nothing more than white trash redneck goobers but I have also seen groups of "John and Mary Lunchbox" folks who left behind upscale beer containers, spendy bottled water empties, etc. One of those situations I waited until they were ready to drive off...leaving their trash...before I harshly confronted them. I told them that if they didn't remove that trash I would put it in a very uncomfortable place. The two guys in the group looked me over and decided I was big enough to cause some hurt even if they could take me. I didn't have my "45 friends" with me so it was pure bluff. But it worked. And I followed them all the way out to Hwy 68 to make sure they left with the trash.

The Knolls was closed off in the fall of 2012. There had been a group cooperative trash cleanup a few weeks before. The whole place looked great...for only a few days. Then, after a big camping weekend you would swear it was a dump down there and had never been cleaned up. That was it for the land owners. They had been threatening to close the area to the public for several years and that did it.

Now we are close to working out an agreement to get it reopened...with some DWR sponsored upgrades and improvements. But from some of the "evidence" I saw on my trip, we need some education or discrimination.

[inline EVIDENCE.jpg]

[inline "EVIDENCE 2.jpg"]
I ventured out of Am. Fk. harbor Sunday afternoon in my 18' fiberglass GEEZER tub and had to creep out with my outdrive raised almost all the way. I was out just about a half mile before I dared lower it and "kick it in the butt" to get on plane. Man oh Manishevits, I hope we get a lotta precipitation this winter. Did find some kitties though. Did also "doink" my prop a little pulling out of the north side of Pelican Pt.

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