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Deer Creek TubenToon 10-17-14
[#0000FF]Plan D this week turned out to be a quick morning shot at Deer Creek. Scofield, Pineview and Willard were the A-C losers...for various reasons.

Launched at the island ramp about 7 am. Air temp 34 with frost on the grass. Water temp 57 with wisps of mist rising to meet the hesitant sunrise.

Tried dragging a jig and fly combo on the way over to the island. Usually produces some troutskis but not this morning. Very little happening on top...except some tank-sized carp cruisers.

Pitched assorted lures around the island, hoping to find smallies or wallies. Nobody home in the shallows around the rocks. Did some vertical jigging out into deeper water and found some small smallies. Biggest about a footlong. Several a couple of inches smaller. No perch, no walleyes.

Wasn't targeting trout on the bottom in deeper water but they liked that same little RC Killer spinner jig I was using on the smallies. Caught a few bows too.

About 8 am I saw Flygoddess pull onto the ramp, about an hour later than expected. A few minutes later she explained on the walkie talkie. There had been a car fire in Parley's Canyon and she was lucky enough to get caught in the backup. And, to make matters worse, her big battery for the electric motor had fallen over and broke a spendy Orvis flyrod. Double ouch. No Orvis jokes here.

At least the purty Deer Creek scenery welcomed her. So did the trout. Once she found the right area and the right depth she waved her magic wand and they came flocking to the party. That lady do know how to charm the slimers.

I spent most of my time trying to find perch or per usual. And, as per usual the past couple of years they were pretty much a no show. Saw a few "suspenders" just off the bottom in deeper water but they weren't in a playful mood.

FG and I both had planned for a short day, with other things requiring our presence during the afternoon. So we were all ashore and headed home by noonish. Hope her return trip was luckier than her morning trip.

Water levels are still up from last year. And, since Friday is the new Saturday, there were quite a few boats on the water...about 15 trailers in the island lot when we left. Didn't notice any of the boats bringing anything in while we were out on the water.
Good report, I know I always appreciate them. I was planning on bank tangling Scofield tomorrow due to tube Scofield not the place to go right now?
Nice report Pat, sucks about FG's rod but Orbis has a decent warranty [sly]
PM sent

Nice work on the tube. Last weekend I hit DC with the boat and had the worst day of fishing I've had in 2 years (three fish for the boat).
Thanks so much for the invite and the Smoked Kitty was delicious!
Going up the canyon and having to slam on brakes followed by thud, crunch!. At least I was stopped to lift battery back upright. All three of my rods were right there but only the T3 broke right at the cork! BUT, happy ending to this story is, I came home and contacted Orvis for a repair number. This rod has been discontinued so for a few $ more I am getting the Helios 2 back next week. GOTTA LOVE ORVIS!
Now on to the morning. I got to the ramp to unload my boat, but a gentleman and a boy were on the ramp with their boat laying there on the cement. Yup, they backed up to launch and it came off a little too early.
I already had my waders on so all three of us were able to get the boat in the water. That felt great, being able to help and a little stretch for my arm.
Got my boat inflated and on the water and was met with a tiny bow right out of the gate.
I tried several flies and I was using TypeVII and III. Had one almost take the TypeVII out of my hand. That was on Purple. The rest all came to the Type III and a White Crystal Bugger I never use[crazy]. Caught quite a few in 36 to 40 feet.
Great day.
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Nice crispy morning AND NO ALGAE!!!!!
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Great report! usual. Do you tip those lil hustlers with anything? I'm heading up now and hoping to find something other than "slimers". I should get my fill of those at the berry tomorrow.
[#0000FF]Scofield can be a great place to go right now. Had a trip planned with MasterDaad and our individual schedules changed. He is very knowledgeable on Scofield and the bigger fish in there. You should PM him and see if he will share some info.

Most folks can count on catching large quantities of smaller cuts...on the "regular" stuff. But if you first fish for some chubs (very easy) and then cut them up to tip large jigs you will get bigger fish.

There are some monster tigers and humongo cutts in Scofield these days. And they don't get big by being stupid...or eating small stuff.
[#0000FF]I almost always "sweeten" my vertical jigs with a piece or two of "garden hackle". Can't beat it for just about any species in that lake.

In the attached pics you will note that I make those "jingle jigs" with either a small Colorado blade or a propeller blade. I call the latter "Pistol Pats". I have only been making them for a few months but have already caught several species on them...including walleye. See the third pic.


Seems like Joni is gonna make out jes fine. Glad to hear it.
[#0000FF]Glad you could join me and that you got to bend your stick a few times. Also glad you liked the smoky treats. Not glad one of your sticks got "bent" a little too much but happy you were able to get Orvis to take care of you.

Nice pics...except the one of the old guy in a float tube. If they let guys like that on the lake they should let you take Baxter in your toon.

Should be at least a couple more good opportunities before the hard deck shuts us out. But from now on we will have to fight our way through that new crop of "Finless Freddies" they just dumped in the lake. Those schools of young rainbows cruising around the shoreline as we left will create a lot more action for the cowbell crowd but they get to be a nuisance if you are fishing for something else.
Good report and good pictures. I appreciate the detail of what flies to use. I love how white crystals are the hot ticket some times. Purple is good in the fall. Many tubers at East Portal have sworn by purple leeches this fall.
You mentioned 36 to 40 feet. I assume you were in water that deep catching fish, not getting your fly down that deep, correct?
I was fascinated by your new craft. I couldn't tell if it inflates or is a hard body. You answered that question. Looks nice. Do you like it better than the pontoon craft you used to use?
Someday I would like to join you and Pat on a outing.
Thanks again.
Dang it Pat, I need to be better at checking with you on when you are heading out to fish. I could have met up with you yesterday at Deer Creek. Nevertheless, thanks for the great pics and the great report, as usual. I saved one of your pictures of the beautiful mountains and fall leaves. Very nice.
Next time.
[#0000FF]I generally don't broadcast my fishing plans. Not because I don't want company but because I often wait until the morning I go to decide where I point my float tube...especially during times of variable weather in different areas. I hate wind and when one place offers a better chance for a calm trip than another I usually go for the better weather even if I might prefer to fish the other spot.

And there are sometimes when I wake up early and just decide to go fishing. Then I do a quick review of weather forecasts for a couple of optional venues...and only then put together the gear I will need for that trip.

If I have made plans several days in advance to meet someone else, then I am locked in to that trip. If the weather turns sour or something else comes up I may miss a trip all together...whereas if I had gone elsewhere I could have at least got in some fishing.

And don't get me started on having to wait for someone else to show up for a rideshare and they are late...or no show. I abide by the old Vince Lombardi axiom..."if you are on time, you are late." If someone I am supposed to ride with is more than about 5-10 minutes late, the bus leaves without them.

Those who know me (and fish with me) will confirm that I am not difficult to "hook up" with. I don't care to fish with everybody on the board but there are a few folks who have become a part of my "approved fishing buddy list". I am generally open to going with someone else a time or two to see if we can stand each other. But I don't beg anybody to go fishing with me. Based upon our previous communications I think we might be able to get along okay. You have to stay in touch and let me know when you would like to go and where. If it works on my end we will make it happen.

Thanks for your kindly comments on the pictures. As you can probably tell I sometimes shoot more pics of the wildlife and the surroundings than I do of fish. Sometimes. I have always had a special place in my old fisherman's heart for Timpanogos. It always ends up in pictures I take on Deer Creek or Utah Lake.
[quote chinook]Good report and good pictures. I appreciate the detail of what flies to use. I love how white crystals are the hot ticket some times. Purple is good in the fall. Many tubers at East Portal have sworn by purple leeches this fall.
You mentioned 36 to 40 feet. I assume you were in water that deep catching fish, not getting your fly down that deep, correct?
I was fascinated by your new craft. I couldn't tell if it inflates or is a hard body. You answered that question. Looks nice. Do you like it better than the pontoon craft you used to use?
Someday I would like to join you and Pat on a outing.
Thanks again.[/quote]

The fish were in the 30 to 40 foot range. I was using a TypeVII and III, so yes they are deep. I tried an intermediate and caught one small rainbow, but I was reading the bigger ones out deep so I kept heading for the middle of the lake and it was game on.
One boat saw the bent rod which is hard to conceal specially if the bow decides to go airborne. So he ended up circling me.
Oh, and two did come to the Type VII with a Purple leech pattern. Dang near pulled the rod out of my hand!
I LOVE this boat. Easy to pack to the water cause it is flat. It weighs about 28 lbs. The built in motor mount is slick and the fact it is flat makes adding glue on mounts easy. It is hard taking 8 to 12 lbs of air (so you can stand on it). It rolls up nice.
I still like my X5 (framed model) but I think I will be using the Assault less.
You do get wet on this if there is waves, but you are sitting 5" above the water.

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