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I am surprised nobody has posted this yet
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Suspend their licenses? Two of them didn't have licenses. I'm sure their only regret is that they got caught, so next time they'll just be more careful to hide their fish better. They need to get a really big fine. Something they'll take seriously. [mad]
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If 2 of them didn't have licenses in the first place, how is suspending Thier licenses for 3 years punishing them, and how is it going to stop them? I think we need to look at some harsher penalties for poachers.
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I guaranty there will be some hefty fines to go along with the suspension I think its around a 100 bucks a fish .
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[inline 398569_107198056102460_783204552_n.jpg]
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Well that's a bit harsh.
I agree that suspension of their licenses is too light, but I'm sure there will be fines to go along with it, as there should be.
Don't get me wrong by thinking I'm a sympathizer to poachers. I am not. It just seems overboard to nail them for all they're worth and ruin their lives over some fish. It's a public resource that existed to some degree, prior to human involvement.
Prison? Gimme a break. We're already living in a society where our government is trying to put as many people in prison as possible. Let's not feed that monster.
Had they killed 23 of something that requires much more time and public resources to produce, then some jail time could be in order. Repeat offenses may also warrant that, in my opinion. If that's already the case, then so be it.
I'm not a fan of packing prisons/jails with people that haven't stolen personal property or physically hurt other people.
Filling a freezer with fish is a form of preparedness. Fish are food. The reasoning behind this incident must be examined before throwing the book at someone.
I'm not saying that people should be exempt from the rules either. They broke the law and should pay for that. Intent matters though (to me), when it comes to sentencing.
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I agree LOAH. I was thinking our last 2 Attorney Generals won't even be treated that harshly by the courts as what he's wanting for these fish poachers. Fines and no right to fish or hunt for years is fine. I don't want my tax dollars going to have them serve time.
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Just take their truck! I am sure their entire egos are wrapped up in their POS truck! For these numb-nuts, life without their POS truck is like a life sentence!
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I think they should divulge their methods and bait [laugh]
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[inline 398569_107198056102460_783204552_n.jpg]
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Scofield was financed and built to hold water for irrigation not to supply fish to the community. Not like they tried to damage the function of the multimillion dollar reservoir. Maybe DWR can have those that feel strongly about prison time have a voluntary donation with licence purchase to cover that cost. And don't compare taking a few fish with taking big game. If you steal a candy bar or even a few crab legs (even if not a Heisman QB) the penalty is usually a little different than stealing someones car. Petty theft versus grand larcency.
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800 bucks each plus a base fine for wasting is a pretty stiff fine for not buying a piece of paper from the government that cost around 30 bucks.they charge you at strawberry about a 100.00 per fish if they catch you with slot fish. it seems like that's a pretty good deterrent to not following the regs. prisons should be for people that are a danger to the public . not for some knuckle head that doesn't obey fishing regs. as for civil forfeiture laws they are rife with abuse and probably should be done away with. I think we all should keep things in proportion.
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[inline 398569_107198056102460_783204552_n.jpg]
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This happens more than you can imagine, it Idaho aliens have been acquitted because the regs weren't in the language of the perp. Maybe they couldn't understand the regs with their fine public education?
Take the truck and all the gear. Putting them in jail is stupid. Same with DUI, take the car right then, regardless of who "owns" it.
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Wow.amazed of how quick people are to try and send people to prison maybe if it was their child grown or not they might change their mind about prison maybe education is the answer other than straight up prison time give me a break. I don't support poaching or theft but maybe just maybe these people have not had the chance to be taught the sportsman way. Maybe they are repeat offenders and then maybe prison is an option but I bet if it was one of your family members you would want mercy. And yeah with this attitude I still have never poached anything but thanks for assuming and categorizing all those with a level head
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These folks don't deserve jail time. How much would that cost the taxpayer? $75 a fish seems to fit the crime plus $100 for not having a license.
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[#0000FF]Wow! A whole lot of emotion here. And everybody has their own ideas of what "justice" should be.
2 problems. First is that the laws and penalties are fairly weak...and potential violators usually know them well enough to be able to weight the risk vs reward potential. Those who claim ignorance of the law are usually very knowledgeable of the laws and just feign ignorance in hope of getting a break. And those who claim ignorance based upon language differences do not deserve lenience either. The folks who issue drivers' licenses...and the highway not recognize language barriers. The laws are the laws.
Second problem is DWR manpower problems. Each CO has a large area and many responsibilities. Virtually impossible to make daily checks on all waters...especially during hunting season when their workload multiplies. Those who don't buy licenses and overharvest are relying on a very low potential for being checked and cited. And many of them fish in groups who have cell phones or radios and keep a watch for officers. Those in violation usually have plenty of time to dispose of evidence or leave the area before a CO arrives.
Over the past ten years I have witnessed and reported several violators. None that I know of were caught and cited. And during that same ten years I have been fishing hundreds of times...on many different waters...and I have never been checked by a CO for a license or for fish kept. Just a couple of biologist surveys.
Sadly, the prisons are overfull of folks who would be better off on the outside and constitute no threat to society. Fish poachers are generally not terrorists. Most would be "chastised" more by a loss of personal belongings (vehicle and/or tackle) and hefty fines than by jail time. And it would be less of a drain on our tax dollars. However, the prospect of jail time and/or extensive community service for repeat offenders might add a measure of deterrence not only for first offenders but for others considering "rolling the dice" and violating game laws.
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hey troll I am a outdoor sports person not a supposed one like you said. no matter how bad you want to insult me . I won't back down from my opinion from my opinion that your ideas of crime and punishment is way to severe. do you think we should cut off a hand maybe? what if you inadvertently violated some law would you want this kind of punishment heaped upon yourself? did the news article say they were foreigners ? if so what difference should that make. people do dumb sh## it doesn't mean they should be imprisoned.remember we are all mostly on the honor system when in the outdoors so when people are caught breaking the law they have to make the punishment harsh enough to not make it worth benefit of breaking the rules. rant over lets fish[cool]