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Suggestions on rifle scope
I have this older .270 rifle that my late grandfather passed down to me about 25 years ago. I love the gun, especially for its sentimental value. But it shoots very well, too. I use it primarily for deer hunting and it has served me well. Most years, I shoot it maybe 5 times (4 times to ensure it's sighted in, and 1 more to take down my deer in the fall).

I'd like to put a new scope on it. I know that one could go absolutely NUTS when buying a scope -- I've seen some of them north of $2000. I want to stay well below that.

Given how much (or, rather, how little) I shoot it, I'd like to stay below $200. Are there are really good scopes at this price point? I'd like an adjustable mag scope, like 3x9 or something like that.

Thanks in advance for any good suggestions.
I've had a lot of poor scopes over the years. Most recently it seems I've had some pretty decent ones and most of them didn't break the bank. For what you are describing I would recommend something in a 3x9x40 or a 4x10x40 or so. It doesn't matter all that much what the magnification is.

I personally have had really good luck with the Bushnell Elite 3200 series scopes and also the Nikon Buckmaster series scopes. I think you'd be very happy with either. I think if you go with anything less you'll find yourself disappointed down the road. I don't know what either of those cost these days.

My favorite scope of all that I own is a Bushnell Elite 4200 4-16x40AO, but is going to cost a bit more money, for sure. It has proven to be extremely reliable. I take it on at least 1 horse trip where the rifle is in a scabbard for multiple days over the course of the trip. I consider this to be very hard on optics and it has proven to be top notch, IMO. After 5 years of use and horse trips it was still zero'd well enough to make a 1 shot kill on a whitetail at 530 yards. Admittedly, on the 6th year it drifted a bit and now needs to be re-zero'd. That included a few falls that nearly incapacitated me. Still, with 3 shots I was back on track good enough to finish the job this year and 1 shot killed another WT and nearly 300 yards. The scope tracked exactly as it should have to get back on a relative close zero. Now I'll get it back to the range and zero it up again so that I can do those longer shots when I need to.

Good luck.
Thank you for the reply.

Based on your input, I was looking at various reviews yesterday on these 2 scopes. And while investigating the Nikon Buckmaster, I came across the ProStaff - also from Nikon. With an Amazon price of $140 and generally EXCELLENT reviews, I'll be considering this one too.
My experience with the prostaff line has been very limited, but what i've had wasn't all that impressive. I think it would be money well spent to go up 1 price point to the buckmaster.
You can't beat Leopold just for the warranty. They will fix or replace broken optics no questions asked. Pm me if you are interested.
Nikon Buckmaster 3-9x40 BDC on sale Nov 13-26 at Cabela's for $129.99
Wow! I'd jump on that.
Thank you!
I have 3 Vortex scopes that I have been really pleased with. 2 are the Vipers and run in the 500-900 range but I did put a 4-12x40 BDC Diamondback on my wifes gun that i have really liked. I have used it out to 800 yards and for the money it is a great scope. Vortex also has a lifetime warranty but i have not had to deal with them on it. Anyways cabelas has the Vortex Diamondback 4-12x40 BDC for 199 right now. I also have a leupold and they are great scopes too.

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