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[#0000FF]HGS...Honorary Grand Son.
Thanks for the offer of a shot at some bait fish but I probably have all I need until next spring. Hopefully I can make a couple of good early chub runs to supply my needs.
Still gotta get my tube wet a time or two on Willard before I need an auger to launch. Lemme know if you are masochistic enough to wanna join me.
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Hey Pat I'd probably join you if I can work it out with my schedule. Always love a float in the toon, especially if the eyes be feeding. Let me know a day or two ahead and I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the offer. J
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[quote lavaman]Pat...Too bad you don't have a writeup on "Cutler Catfish"...
I know, it would require you having to live up here in Cache Valley.[/quote]
It would be a LOT like the UL writeup, except less access, less people, and bigger fish! [:p]
Very similar waters in many ways, but we have less of a BIG BODY and more nooks, crannies, and then there's up/down the river too.
Not to mention the Grand Canyon of Cache Valley - up to the dam. Unfortunately we don't have the white bass, and junies, but at least we've got a few carp and crappie. Everyone likes a nice piece of bass!
Plus we're surrounded by Cows and Alfalfa instead of steel mills and industry.
Probably won't be long till the circus comes to Mantua now. Need to charge some batteries and sort some gear!
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Another option to get off the bottom is a twist on a float, a sinking float if you will. paternoster they call it, big name, simple notion.
I think the circle hooks are a bit shorter on the shank than an octopus, but similar in the hooking, the circle tip bends in even more. I like the octopus in a 1-3, often the red ones. But you want to be sure to leave the sharp tip exposed.
Thing about some of these hooks it they bite and run, hook turns, and generally will lip hook them, rather than swallowing down to the gut. If I don't lip hook them they are either coming home, or line is snipped. Once past that stomach sphincter, there is no return.
Here's a couple rig-pix.
[inline float-paternoster.gif.jpg]
[inline "sunken float patternoster rigs.gif"]
These are some octopus hooks with beads, float and blade. Without the blade they would help float off the bottom. The foam thingy is sold for Walleye rigs, but the cats don't seem to take offense at that.
[inline CS_Floaters2.jpg]
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Gee, Yote, I've lived up here (and fished) in Cache Valley for almost 20 years now, I didn't know any of that about Cutler...good thing you decided to enlightening me haha
Pat, if you ever do get up here, let me know. Last time I fished Mantua with you was many many moons ago when I had my pontoon and we dragged Jeoffrey around with us. Mantua continues to be my favorite pond even with all the pressure it gets these days.
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[#0000FF]In reality, there are far more fishing spots calling for me before year end than I have available fishing days. But if I do decide to join my 10,000 new best friends on Mantua I will give you a warning.
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tons of fish everywhere. Go get em
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Put down your beer, dude. Chill.