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eskimo 33cc 8 in vs eskimo 43cc 10 in
what are your thoughts on the two?
I had a ten inch and it did the job but There were three downsides to it that I didn't like. 1.They are heavy and a pain to haul around. Your arms are exhausted after punching 6 holes. 2. They cut slower even though the motor is bigger. 3. The holes ate just to damn big. If you step in one your going in all the way up to the hip or like my son did last year at cascade he went up to the armpits a mile away from the truck at cascade. If you need a big hole them they are what you need. They are just overkill for how I fish.
I have a electric auger its nice, but heavy. I bought a used eight inch nils to go with it. I only use the power head when the ice gets over a foot thick. I loose my poles down the eight inch holes and I've never caught a fish that I couldn't pull out of a six inch hole, almost though!
First, my opinion on size.

While I agree that for most people an 8 inch hole is plenty big enough (dependent upon target species), now that I'm used to fishing through a 10 inch hole it drives me crazy to fish through an 8. The 10 inch give me more room for my line and my flasher in the same hole without the interference between the line and flasher cable. The only drawback I see to a 10 inch hole is that you can step in it and get pretty wet. The extra weight of the 10 doesn't bother me at all and I can drill hole after hole with my SM without getting tired. Once upon a time I did hook a fish that wouldn't fit through a 7 inch hole, but most should fit through an 8.

Now for my opinion about the Eskimo brand.

I've been around a few Eskimos and IMHO, they don't hold a candle to a Strike Master. I can cut 10's with my SM faster than my friends can cut 8's with their Eskies. And doing it doesn't make me tired. SM runs great, is relatively quiet, and has plenty of power. Well worth the extra money IMO. If I was getting the Esky, then I'd get the bigger motor with the 8 inch blades, unless you want to go after Lakers or Tigermuskies, in which case I'd get the 10 inch blades.

Whatever you decide, I wish you the best.
First off once you get used to fishing in 10" holes you will never want to go back. Secondly, if you are getting tired punching holes the pitch on your cutters is wrong or they are dull. Having pulled some fish that went close to 10 lbs. out of farm ponds and river back waters, I always will use a 10" cutter when possible. My Eskimo cuts like buttah . . . More motor usually means more years before you wear it out as well as a little better cutting strength.
I have both , a 10" Shark that is 12 years old that cuts ice like butter . 2 years ago they were closing out on the 8" 33cc for 189.95 so I bought for a spare . The 33 is not big enough cuts very slow . I like fishing a 10" hole they don't freeze shut as fast as 8" . It is a lot easier to get a fish to turn up into the bigger hole .
I fish the 43cc with 8 inch blades. Have had my friends cut me some 10 inch holes, they are delightful. I think they ice back up a little slower which is nice. But again, I have little ones that I fish with sometimes and the tens scare me to death. Luckily they have giant craniums and their heads would probably get stuck. I buy new blades every year for my eski, and extra 10 seconds a hole next to your SM isn't going to hurt my feelings... You are going to need that extra time fishing. Why you say....BECAUSE I AM GOING TO OUTFISH YOU ANYWAYS![Image: surprised.gif] That there's just funny or funning either way you look at it!
[quote Tazasorus]You are going to need that extra time fishing. Why you say....BECAUSE I AM GOING TO OUTFISH YOU ANYWAYS![.img][url "[/img]"][/img][/url] That there's just funny or funning either way you look at it![/quote]

I assume that comment is directed at me instead of curt69 since I'm the only one[fishin] that mentioned SM. All I can say to your comment is, Good Luck. [Wink]
I like a 10 in. Hole. Until. I step into one. I like not worrying if the fish is coming threw the hole. But, too each their own.

I've lost some Big Fish at the hole.




Having a 10 in. hole. Means you might lose a rod or two.

Strikemaster all the way. The engines on the Eskimo don't hold a candle to the German engineered Solo powerhead. You can also go 4-stroke and get Honda reliability/smoothness/quiet on your auger.

Good luck in your purchase.
Hey Idaho, I've got news for you. You can lose rods through any size hole. I lost more rods through a 7 inch than through a 10 inch. FWIW. ><> [fishon]
i got rid of my power head and bought a nils and will never go back. yes i have crank it by hand but i can punch an 8in hole by the time others can even get their gas auger out but im young and dumb so take that how you will.

I do like the reduced wt of hauling a hand auger around especially when im having to walk along ways.

So just a thought for around $170 you can get a hand model that works great instead of $300-500 gas model you have to lug all the wt around for
so I found this website that many of you might be interested in. alot of these are free shipping, and save you alot of money. also thank you all for your info, i still don't know what one to go with but i should probably make up my mind cause ice is on!

[url ""][/url][/url]
I don't have any experience with either auger but i really like an 8" hole it doesn't freeze close fast and isn't too big. I use hand augers and i can second the opinion on the Nils also fin bore 3 or if you can rig up some kinda offset handle on a lazer or Barracuda is a good option. I'm in the process of setting up a 6 inch hand auger for places with smaller fish as i want to see how much easier it drills than an 8"

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