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island park dam
Hi guys, I'm new to the forum. With Henry's Lake being slow, we went to the Island Park Dam. We caught 4 in 4 hrs. The Sad part is that we did better than everyone we talked to. On the bright was 5 lbs.

I want to find the salmon there. any tips?
How much ice was there at the Dam?
Welcome to the forum and thanks for the report .
there was 10 inches of solid ice and about 6 inches of snow on top. it started getting slushy around 3:00. I can't decide, Henry's or Island Park for Christmas eve]. the fish fight better at Island park.
Thanks for the report and welcome to the board. Congrats on the 5 pounder! I have actually had a good day at IP this winter. PM me if you ever want to compare notes.

Do you have any tips on what to use? I'm heading there to try ice fishing for the first time.
We just used a bit of everything and tpiped with worm. We didn't do all that great either.
We fished there yesterday. Got there at first light. Found 5" of slush on the ice. Stepped in other peoples holes that were covered in fresh snow. A little wet and dangerous. We caught 8 between 7:30-8:30. They wanted it moving. Didn't catch any on a dead stick. At 8:30 it ended like a light switch being turned off. I could still see them on the vexilar but no takers. Went home at 10:00.

P.s. They didn't want jigs with mealworms only white jigs tipped with night crawler.

Thanks for the info. 8 fish in an hour sounds pretty good to me.
Did you get any big ones ? Thanks for the report .
Sounds like a fun morning. Any salmon?
The biggest was 18". Four of them were like footballs and the four others were more recent stockers. No salmon. The slush was so deep I couldnt move around very well to look for them.
It got down to zero last night , hope it froze the slush . Thanks again for the information .

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