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Repairing Waders
I need some help fixing some leaking waders . Any ideas are welcome.
Are you trying to find the leaks in the legs, leaks in the feet? Go to Simm's site and they offer informational video in regards to wader repairs. Or go to Youtube---lots of information there. I like the Simm's videos.
Hang them up in the shower and fill them with water. After locating the leaks, mark there locations, drain and dry and coat the leaks with pure silicone. Works great, just looks like you blew snot on your waders.
I'd be careful filling the waders too full of water. It puts a lot of stress on the seams and can cause other issues. Aquaseal is a staple for wafer repair. Clean the area well and apply liberally.
If breathables, a flashlight works great for finding holes.
Great ideas , thanks to you all.
So to summarize the best ideas, hang full of water if the leak is below the knee, use a flashlight if above the knee, mark the leak, and seal with Aquaseal however you find the leak(s). Yep, that's what I do!
Stop by Roundrocks in Logan, they'll find it and fix it free, so I hear.
One small detail not mentioned: Turn your waders inside out to find, mark, and repair the leak on the INSIDE surface.
^ fo'sho! something that was taught to me as well.... if you patch them, be sure to lightly rough up the area with some fine grit sand paper before you apply the aqua seal and patch, i guess it helps the glue hold better on the material
[quote Browntrout]Are you trying to find the leaks in the legs, leaks in the feet? Go to Simm's site and they offer informational video in regards to wader repairs. Or go to Youtube---lots of information there. I like the Simm's videos.[/quote]

For sure watch the simms videos. Great stuff. If repairing Gortex, spray on some rubbing alcohol and it'll darken around any leaks.

Most places advise AGAINST filling your waders with water to find leaks. They're not designed to hold up against the pressure. AND, if you have tears, they can actually become worse.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for all of the Simms videos:
After 5 hard years I'm Pretty sure my old WIlliam Joseph waders are mostly made of Aquaseal now....but they don't leak much. The neoprene stocking feet will ALWAYS leak over time. The neoprene compresses down and water will seep through, and no amount of aquaseal can stop it.

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