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That method is similar to mine except I still like to clean and bleed big trout before filleting.
I also use a filleting board so I don't have to hold the fillets with my hand while cutting the skin off and de-boning.
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I use that same method for all my white meat fish. (Bass, bluegill, pike, walleye, etc)
I prefer to gut the trout at the lake, and fillet the ribs out first working my way up. I find I lose a little bet less meat that way most of the time for trout.
This is just my personal preference and I can't say there is a right or wrong way to do it.
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i usually bleed mine as well but it was so cold and windy that day so it wasn't possible they where frozen within minutes.
Thanks for watching
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i like to use a knife.... its a little hard without one! haha i use a bubba blade it cuts right through the ribs and it takes only a few swipes to have the filet off the fish. i was taught how to filet by the best there is.
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Seams like a fancy way to achieve less then the same result. Not a boneless fillet.
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That looked like one of those not so tasty planter trout that I would rather return to the water, just judging form the nice white meat.
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it was interesting one cutt was 24" and that other was 17" The smaller had nice salmon color fillets, and the toad of the day had white fillets. Both tasted excellent as do most fish that come out of big blue. [fishon]
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Thanks for the video. I like to bleed mine out by cutting by the gill plate. It seems to keep things a lot cleaner, and keeps the blood out of the fillets. I fillet mine the same way you do, except if I smoke the fish I leave the skin on. It helps keep the meat from falling through the racks. Thanks again for the video.
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Correct me anyone if I am wrong! From what I have noticed, when the diet of a fish changes from non-vertabrae food sources to vertabrae food sources, such as chubs or other smaller fish, their meat tends to change color from pink to white. This is the reason many of the big fish that we catch and eat are not pink meat. I would like to be enlightened on the subject if anyone really knows the answer.
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[#0000FF]You are on target. Diet plays a big part in both the quality and color of the flesh. But so does spawning and other factors.
Trout that feed mainly on invertebrates are more likely to have the pink colored flesh...which is usually firmer and tastes better on the table. That's because a lot of the invertebrates they eat are crustaceans which contain vitamin A and carotene.
When smaller fish "graduate" to eating other fish, more than bugs, their flesh does usually lighten up. But it is often just as firm and toothsome.
There are many other factors that can alter the quality of fish water quality, basic health of the fish, development of eggs or milt, prolonged periods of low food or no food, etc.
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interesting that diet changes so much. guess that goes for big games as well. I've noticed that in deer.
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[#0000FF]Good observation. I was taught that at an early age as a kid in Idaho. My dad and uncles were particular about where they hunted because deer that fed on willows and other green browse were so much better eating than ones that fed heavily on sage or other strong tasting items.
Ever heard the old saying "You are what you eat"?
Those who raise cattle for the market are pretty particular about the feeds the use during the last months of a steer's life before slaughter. And those in the know can quickly determine the difference between grass fed and grain fed beef...on the plate.
I once kept a couple of trout in California, from a "pay to play" lake. When I started to fillet them I was hit with a blast of fishy garlic smell. The fish had wads of undigested garlic bait in their innards and they had evidently been eating a lot of it. After filleting, rinsing and soaking the smell of garlic left in the flesh was too strong...even for a garlic lover like myself.
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Of course, transforming our catches into fine table-fare requires the assistance of fillet knives.
So what is a good fillet knive and Sharpener?
I need to buy a new one, the one I have I cant keep sharp.
[url ""][/url]
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Knives of Alaska makes a great fillet knife.
I hate slime and guts getting all over the meat and cutting board. We gut and skin fish, then fillet them. Just less messy in the prep area. Good video though if people want to do it the way you demonstrate.
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Thanks for posting. It's always good to see how others fillet their fish.