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Fish Lake Ice?
I saw the post about the tournament for next weekend, but was unclear whether or not the lake is fishable now. Is there safe ice over the moss beds that would allow some perch fishing? Has anyone had success this year? Is it worth the drive from SL?

Thank you!
Ice really varies. 3.5" where I started on the north end to 6" closer to the south end of the lake. Fishing was pretty consistent most of the day. Small hammer handle bows and splake all day long. Between 2 of us we caught and released over 100 of them. They are still fun to catch though. Perch fishing was decent catching around 100 on the day but you had to fight through the trout to catch them. Good luck and be safe.
I fish there last sunday on the south end. It had 5 inches of ice, and by the days end 1 inch of slush and water on the top. It was warm that day (43 degrees). I hope the nights have been cold enough to help refreeze it. We caught over 150 perch and 15 trout. I will be going to the perch contest next saturday. I think the ice will be fine. I don't think the people over the contest would put anyone in harms way and allow us out on to the unsafe ice. I was fishing just outside of the weed beds. We used gps to locate it again for the contest. I would say go fish it, but still use caution when going out on this or any lake with ice on it.
I put up a little report under "Went Up To Fish Lake This Morning" that might give you a little insight. In a nut shell, the ice is growing every day, it was great today, 73 vehicles in the parking lot, lot of families with young children, 4 wheelers, etc. Fisherman still need to exercise caution, for sure. Here's the url to my report.
You guys are great! Thanks for the update. I am headed up tomorrow. I'll let you know what I catch!

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