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Transducer problem lowrance elite 7HDI
anyone have any insight on this? went by what I thought was the proper mounting for the transducer.

depth and sonar is blanking out or sometime ready a depth of one or two feet deep. not a speed issue, just installed this and when it works it works when cruising at 30mph. Seems later in the day it works after I take it down to the 83mhz setting. ?????

going to call lowrance Monday, just curious if anyone has had this happen.

here is a pic of the mounting.
I've had the same issue with my Lowrance 4 hdi! The transducer is mounted exactly how it says to mount it but I get that exact problem. I never contacted Lowrance, I guess I just learned to deal with it. I definitely feel it's an issue with Lowrance. The cheaper unit my boat came with dies the exact same thing when I use it. If you find out what it is, post it up, it drives me crazy! It seems to do it in the worst moments too! :/
I also dealt with that issue with an older 2d pretty basic sonar. I searched forums and asked a lot of questions and never got it figured out. I said hell with it and went to humminbird and never looked back. I think lowrance is junk at least their lower end stuff. I've had two different humminbird units since and am very satisfied with them.
But if you figure it out please post it as I still have the old unit and would sell it to someone if its fixable.
Good luck!

Good Luck[pirate] I have the Lowrance HDS 7 gen 1 and from day one i have had this issue. With no reason i loose depth and get --- on display or readings of one to 4 ft no matter what depth i am in. I have spoken to Lowrance and sent unit in under warranty and they returned with new transducer. Tested again and same issue. Remounted transducer in different locations and same issue. Then ordered an aftermarket transducer from Airmar. Installed and still have same issue, Lowrance had software updates for unit with no change. Their advice was leave on shallow water setting but does not help. I am still very upset because of the amount of coin I shelled out for my unit to have these problems. Google this on inet and you will see we are not the only ones to experience this.

Let us know what they say.

Did you notice some people on the forums have noted the transducer cable is not well shielded against electronic interference. .

And problems using a Navionics card instead of Hotmaps.

I'm glad this issue was posted as I was considering an upgrade on my Sonar a side finder unit. Now I'll wait
I thought I should add that my lowrance Mark4 did the same thing from time to time. I just powered it off and back on and it would start reading again. A pain, for sure.
Finally had time to sit on hold and report this to Lowrance this week. Here is what they recommend:
1. Soft reset the unit
2. turn down or make sure the sonar ping setting is on normal
3. install the 4.0 software update on to the SD card and update the unit

They said if that doesn't work to call back and they would next replace the unit or transducer.

From the responses and negative feedback regarding these same problems. I think I will return this unit to the seller and upgrade to the hummingbird 859ci HD DI with the navionics map package. I have 8 days left on a 30 day no hassle return policy.

I have never messed with Lowrance units but will say sounds like a upgrade to me [Wink]
Ya dude if you have a free out then I would take it. I think you will be much happier with a humminbird unit. I sure am.
Good luck!

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