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Splake or lake Trout?
I fished Fish Lake this last Saturday. Fishing was excellent! Beautiful day up there as well. I caught a fish, that I believe is either a splake or a lake trout. However, I'm not sure which one! Here are a couple photos. I've never caught a splake or a lake trout before! Thanks for your help in identifying this fish!
Looks like a splake.
They look like Splake to me. But the only way to tell for sure is to cook them up. If they taste good and you want to eat more of them... its a Splake. If you cook it up and it tasts like fish road kill, the dog won't tough it, and the cat tries to bury it... thats a lake trout.
Pup mackinaw up to about 6 or 8 pounds are delicious.

[red]⫸[/red][orange]<{[/orange][yellow]{{[/yellow][green]{{[/green][size 4][blue]⦇[/blue][/size][blue]°[/blue][#8000FF]>[/#8000FF]
+1 +1 +1!
[quote Fishrmn]Pup mackinaw up to about 6 or 8 pounds are delicious.

[red]⫸[/red][orange]<{[/orange][yellow]{{[/yellow][green]{{[/green][size 4][blue]⦇[/blue][/size][blue]°[/blue][#8000ff]>[/#8000ff][/quote]


Oh, and its a splake.
Mackinaw of any size are delicious! Ya just need to know the best way to cook em if they're big (Not very politically correct though[Smile]).
Honestly though, pup macks, dolly vardens and spake pretty much taste identical to me.
Thanks everyone! I guess that means I caught my first splake!
I'm with Old Coot +3!
+4 with Fishrmn
-1 with Gmwahl
I'll just post these here
That is very clearly a dolly varden!! You went ice fishing in Alaska and are trying to throw us off your hot spot!

Thanks for the pics. It's crazy how similar they all look when you don't catch them often! The pics help a lot!
Maybe up to 2 or 3lbs. Perhaps out of Fish Lake the bigger pups are ok, but the ones over a couple pounds out of the Gorge are greasy, nasty bastads!

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