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Did anyone see the Hooked on Utah with the large rainbows ?
Did anyone see the local TV show Hooked on Utah, where they were catching very large rainbows on flies.
It was a reservoir, high up, with few pines here and there. The were out of the Vernal area, with the man in charge of the Vernal Sportsman Warehouse. I am not asking for the lake, but would be interested in the general area. If this is against the rules please ignore this. I assume a public area, but maybe not. That would be interesting to note.
Just a guess but I'd say Zelph Calder Reservoir which is a designated trophy trout water.

DNR Regs: Limit 1 trout over 22 inches. All trout 22 inches or smaller must be immediately released. Artificial flies and lures only.

Here is a link
It's possible that it was Matt Warner Res. They did do a KSL outdoors that was at Matt Warner about a month or so ago. Not sure if Hooked did a different one in the Vernal Area?
Thanks, worth a try next spring. Do the allow pontooners
[#0000FF]Here's a link to the show...if someone can identify it from the background scenery.
The video said Zelph reservoir when they showed the map
The reservoir is Zelph Calder reservoir out by Vernal. I understand the drainage flows towards Colorado & the water users are Colorado farmers. From talking with the locals, I understand the reservoir is low & the runoff is essentially over. There is no conservation pool on this reservoir & it is a good possibility that the reservoir could be totally drained this year - loosing the fishery.

You may not want to wait until next spring to fish it!
It is, as previously noted, located on diamond mt in vernal. (calder). All of those rainbows have been caught so many times, their mouths and heads look like a pin cushion. Some very large fish, but Sadly getting wasted out/used up by stupid a___ed tv shows and fishing guide internet sites whose sole purpose is the pursuit of the almighty dollar. By june of most years, there are numerous dead fish carcasses all along the banks, from mishandled / overstressed fish and the ones you do catch, well, look at a provo river fish X 10 and you'll get the idea. Also as previously noted, it will probably be lost this year due to the drought and local farm demands.
That guy is painful to watch.
While I do understand your concern about the TV show report, I have to ask, who is entitled to fish a place like this?

Yes TV shows do expose these fisheries but are that not there for everyone to enjoy?

This type of hot spotting goes against the grain of many of us but these waters are open to everyone.

The best thing that we can do is to do and say nothing if we don't want to expose them.

With the conversations here on BFT about the place, we are doing just what we are complaining that others do.
amen I couldn't agree more
[quote Uintaman]Did anyone see the local TV show Hooked on Utah, where they were catching very large rainbows on flies.
It was a reservoir, high up, with few pines here and there. The were out of the Vernal area, with the man in charge of the Vernal Sportsman Warehouse. I am not asking for the lake, but would be interested in the general area. If this is against the rules please ignore this. I assume a public area, but maybe not. That would be interesting to note.[/quote]

1698 views [laugh] plus everyone who watched the show...better go now if you wanna try it!
[quote kentofnsl]That guy is painful to watch.[/quote]

[#0000FF]"AWESOME" his own mind.[/#0000FF]
"That's a quality fish!" I can't stand watching him. I get through it because I like to see different parts of Utah. (or the same places over and over)

It's actually better if you just mute it and enjoy the scenery.
[quote FishMids]"That's a quality fish!" I can't stand watching him. I get through it because I like to see different parts of Utah. (or the same places over and over)

It's actually better if you just mute it and enjoy the scenery.[/quote]

[#0000FF]Pretty much my sentiments...perzackly. His shows to provide some basic where to - how to for anglers not familiar with some of the spots he features. But for more experienced anglers...more familiar with the spots and the species...the "dumbed down" approach gets annoying. But I don't believe that he is "dumbing down" as much as holding forth on "finesse" and far as HE knows it.

And I know that advertising is necessary to finance the show...but SERIOUSLY? Is it necessary for Gary to conduct all of the sponsor commercials himself? Makes it even less tolerable.
It was not my intent to hotspot, but when the location is disclosed on the show and the water is listed on the DNR site as a Blue Ribbon fishery, it's hardly a secret. Not to mention that its in a remote area requiring a long drive on a dirt road and surrounded by literally dozens of equal if not better fishing locations. Its no wonder DNR says it only gets "moderate" fishing pressure.
Did you mean to reply to me? The OP hot spotted the place himself[sly]
I kinda like his show so I guess I'm idiot or something. I think his reports are a little more in depth. but his wife is really annoying . like a lot of wives I guess.[Wink]
I enjoy watching his show too. For various reasons, he gets a lot of criticism from some of the guys on this board. I say get a life; if you don't like the show, then that's fine, but don't trash the talk the man on a forum where he can't defend himself.
[#0000FF]If you ever met him in person...and "experienced" his overbearing attitude and hyperactive would understand why some of us do not enjoy him as much as you do.

Trash talking this guy is complimenting him.

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