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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I gave up on using a tube for fishing over 10 years ago because my bad left knee could take the pressure any longer. I also had to give up almost all upland bird hunting because I could no longer walk long distances or over ruff terrain. So on Mar 25, 2015, I had a total knee replacement surgery to fix that problem. Recovery is coming along nicely and my range of motion is now zero to 129 degrees 5 weeks later. I'm walking without any aids and started shooting Skeet and Sporting Clays last week; and all without any pain to speak of.[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]So here's my question. Are any of you folks using a tube or toon with one or both legs sporting a bionic knee? Or do you fish regularly with somebody who might fit that description? I've talked with a friend that knows somebody that fishes from a toon with one knee replaced and his only comment was that the knee would absorb the cold and drive him out of the water after a short time to warm the knee back up. Pain didn't seem to be an issue, but cold was.[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]So what have been your experiences? Are there any limits for you that a person with two natural knees doesn't have to contend with? I'd like to know what I'm facing before investing any money in new equipment.[/#800000][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]PS: Moderators - I will not get mad if you move this to a more appropriate board. [  ][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
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Bob, good sir, If you'd like to meet up with me I'd be delighted to give you a test drive of my Hobie kayak. Perhaps a pedal-powered craft is your solution - especially one that keeps you out of cold water.
PM if interested.
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Bob, I had my knee done last year, rt. one. I have been out in my toon only a couple of times, but so far no problem. I have an electric on it for distance travel, and use the oars and fins for positioning.
TD has not had a replacement done, YET, but he does the electric/fin duo in his tube. He moves from place to place with the electric and then uses his fins for positioning !!
I noticed that Rocky was offering his Kayak for a test drive. I would try one my self, but my shoulders are shot and paddling would not be that good.
I anticipate that I will be using my toon more this year with the expected low water levels. Utah Lake is already pretty shallow in the harbors and it won't be long before you won't be able to launch a boat.
Shoot TD a PM about his rig and his knees !!
PS: You are doing pretty good on your rehab. I took almost 3 months to get to where you are at 5 wks. My wife just had her left knee done and she is only 2wks post op and is already at 0/125.
So keep up the good work and rehab !!
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Naturally everyone is different, but I fish regularly with a friend with a knee replacement. We have fished Strawberry right after ice off in pontoon boats this year, and last week. The cold water doesn't seem to bother him, but the knees are pretty much out of the water on a pontoon boat.
He is about a year into his replacement. He doesn't do much paddling with his fins, he use them just to steer the boat ,and lets the motor do the work. He seems to be getting along fine with a pontoon boat, not sure how he would do in a float tube.
As mentioned maybe go out with someone with an extra pontoon boat, and see how it goes. I have an extra pontoon boat, and motor, if interested we could get on the water ,and see how it goes. Always game for a fishing trip.
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[cool]Hello: I love my toon. 9 footer. I've had both knees totally replaced. Last year left knee. I do not have a motor. I use fins only. I'm 72 years old. Right knee replaced twice. I fish the Uintahs a lot, smithmorehouse, enterprise res in St. George.
I will also fish Payson lake, mill hollow,d and Vernon.
My knees are shot, but nothing will stop me using the toon. I've worn out 2 neoprene waders.
Keep fishing hard. The knees are not going to get any better.
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The Hobie Rocky is talking about is powered by his legs, not paddled like a traditional kayak.
They are pretty cool but don't come cheap.
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I have a spare toon if you would like to try it out on bountiful pond. No motors there.
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As mentioned below, my Hobie is foot-powered, not paddled. I'll extend my test drive offer to you, also, Therapist. PM me and we'll see if the three of us can get together.
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[#484848]Well, as long as we are at it, pick a weekday and we can all meet up and I will bring my renegade.[/#484848]
[#484848]You can try them all Bob, and see which one is knee worthy?[/#484848]
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I have had my knees done about 2 1/2 years. I have found pain is not a problem. (I don't have any anymore)
The only thing I encountered is that it takes a while to build confidence in the new knees. And it will take a few months to rebuild your muscle strength . but if you stay with the excersize , it will come. ( and using my toon was suggested by my doctor as an excellent way to build the strength. So have at it.
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That Mirage drive is really cool looking. I might take you up on that because I ride a stationary bike for exercise, be able to accomplish two things at once. The boss would not be able to complain, " I am doing my exercise dear" !!! Don't think it will fly, but it is worth a try !!
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Weather might be iffy this week, but as soon as it clears up a bit, I'll start a thread or PMs setting up a "Kayak Appreciation Day" somewhere.
So far, I have DuBob, Therapist, WaveWolf, and one or two others interested.
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[#0000FF]You better have someone else along to show them how to catch fish.
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That would probably be a good idea [  ]
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[#484848]Were we going to fish?[/#484848]
[#484848]I thought this was just a bunch of old guys, giving the old limbs and bionic knees a workout.[/#484848]
[#484848]Oh by the way TD, I think you are close to qualifying for the club. Would you care to join in?[/#484848]
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Bob, if you can walk, you can pedal a Hobie. But I'll be ready whenever you are.
Thanks, Pat. I love you, too. THPthththtttt!
(YOU might go "catching." I jis goes "fishin.")
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[#0000FF]Hey, nothin' pers'nal. I wasn't incineratin' that it had to be me to do the showin'. Heck, I still have my days too. Just that in this world of specialization we often need to delegate responsibility for tasks or skills that we may not be "qualified" to teach. I know from MY experience that I seem to be less than stellar on those trips when I am trying to dazzle someone with my ability to score big.
You do fine sir. Just pulling on your (healthy) leg.
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[#484848]"Oh by the way TD, I think you are close to qualifying for the club. Would you care to join in?"
[#0000FF]Always happy to meet up with fellow curmudgeons, fudds and recalcitrants...whatever the occasion or excuse.
I do have a problem knee, but it is getting better. I twisted the heck out of it in November and then messed it up again in April...mowing a lawn. But it is improving. The problem is not degenerative joints but a minor bit of tearing and healing. As with surgery, a big part of the recovery is getting it strong again after being babied for a while.
I have been tubing 3 times in the past week and it holds up fine. Just gets tired after the third trip.
Actually, I have kinda been hoping they could come up with a total body replacement. The one I got is gettin' about wored out. If they could just jack up the old one and put a new one under it....
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I knew you was leg tuggin', 'cuz one of 'em is longer now...(Not the one I wished fer, though.)
But seriously, I think I'm happier with an always healthy body and a sometimes-empty creel than otherwise. Doc says there's not a thing wrong with me -- yet.