05-21-2015, 09:00 AM
Took the oldest Grandchild on his first unsupervised fishing trip(Mom and Dad not along) Started the day by knot tying then how to rig a slipfloat. next came finding structure and fish on sonar and putting out a marker. This he thought was fun and couldn&#39;t wait to pick them up. Only one taker on this spot most to the wind being so strong and couldn&#39;t stay anchored. Moved back to a creek and calmer conditions. There we found a few shorts on a dock and had fun for a few minutes. Finally we ended the day anchored in the shade under Wolftever bridge where we ended the day nearly getting to see a pontoon boat peel his top off before gunning it in reverse. Next trip I may try 2 G-kids<br /><br /><br /><br />http://i1327.photobucket.com/albums/u664/Jwjames1118/Mobile%20Uploads/KIMG0042_zpsgypztvld.jpg