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Continued Access to Federal Lands
[url ""][/url]

Please go sign this petition. I am not sure about you, but after seeing how our state government handled the stream access issues I don't trust them to manage the lands with the common person's best interest in mind. If Utah gets the Federal land back they will sell it to the "friendliest" bidder. Not even the highest bidder, but whoever is their bestest besty.
Signed, thanks.
Signed. I agree with you.
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"][#800000]Did & Done![/#][/font][/size]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
Thanks you [Wink]
Thanxs for the post. Signed [fishin]
Done Son!
Done, great suggestion. We in the west US take for granted the fed land that we can basically do anything on, fish, hunt, camp, rockhound, etc.

You want to see what happens when the state manages it? See fishing and hunting in Europe - for the upper classes only. If the state gets these treasures, it gets sold off for a rich mans playground, little by little.

Your comment about the stream access law, apropos as well. I have found that our state governance rarely acts in the interest of sportsman or wildlife enthusiasts, as you noted. Thanks!
+1 n done
[quote Watershadow]
You want to see what happens when the state manages it? See fishing and hunting in Europe - for the upper classes only![/quote]

This is 100% spot on... I currently live, and fish in Europe, and man it is insane expensive to fish here.

I had my wife sign this as well
Props for sharing this. We need to raise awareness of this issue as much as possible.

If you happen to have any friends on the fence about this issue, I recommend having them read this

I wrote that column for the Standard-Examiner last month, I do a fishing column for them monthly. The more we do to spread awareness of this issue the better chance we have of keeping everything public.

Also, good news on this front - Ken Ivory, the snake oil salesman who's the president of the American Lands Council and the sponsor of the 2012 Transfer of Public Lands Act (and I believe he had a hand in HB 141 back in 2010, which is funny because HB 141 is illegal and goes against a Utah supreme court ruling. Ivory, being a lawyer, should know this) has been accused of fraud and is currently being investigated by the AG's office. When he's found guilty, that's going to deal a significant blow to this movement. It'll show very clearly that the people behind this land grab are in it for one thing - money.

Keep fighting the good fight and we'll make it through this.
Just thought you all might like the reply I got from Senator Mike Lee regarding this petition.

June 2, 2015
Dear Luke:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with Senator Lee about public land. Senator Lee is convinced that the future of our nation is dependent on having meaningful dialogue about the critical issues facing hardworking Americans. Senator Lee values public land and its resources. He believes that states can best make decisions regarding public land. Senator Lee is committed to working with Utahns to develop creative ideas and common sense solutions to the challenges of our time.
Senator Lee firmly believes the best way to empower the American people is not only to limit the size of government, but also to fix broken government. He believes this can be done through positive legislative proposals brought forward from all sides of the political spectrum. Most of the solutions our country needs are not left or right, liberal or conservative - they are simply American. He is pushing forward meaningful legislation with his colleagues from both sides of the aisles.
As part of his agenda, Senator Lee has introduced legislation to fix the sentencing and prison system, simplify the tax code, limit the ability of the Federal government to collect data on American citizens and many others. His proposals are centered on what he calls the "Utah Model," which leverages the principles and policies that make Utah a great place to live and work.
Thank you again for engaging on such an important topic. Senator Lee invites you to continue to participate in the dialogue and help to create a better future for our nation.

Pete Blair

Office of Senator Michael S. Lee
(202) 224-5444

And of course my response to Senator Lee's office, which I am pretty sure is not going to be seen by Senator Lee.

Mr. Blair

Thank you for the reply. I am quite sure that Senator Lee will not get my follow up response, but I will give it a shot anyway.

The truth is I do not trust politicians, and least of all my local Utah State politicians. THE driving force behind Utah's attempt to get back the federal lands is Senator Ivory.

I do not trust the state of Utah to make sound decisions regarding what is best for the common citizen of the state. Not sure about other surrounding western states, and frankly I don't care. Utah will not manage the lands appropriately.


When I completed the petition submission, I was directed to a page which stated:

Representative Rob W. Bishop (R-Utah District 1) requires that you provide this additional information in order to communicate via email. If you are having difficulty providing this information, you should contact Representative Bishop's office at (202) 225-0453 or (801) 625-0107.

This page requires that you submit your home phone number "in order to communicate via email". Really? I am politically jaded, but it feels to me like an effort to insulate him from his constituents where I have just provided my address to verify I live in his district.

If you live in this esteemed congressman's district, be sure to complete the submission. I will be anxiously awaiting his phone call.
I got the same response pookie from senator lees office, and gave a similar type answer. Most legal minds will tell you they don't have a snowballs chance in hell of taking control of federal lands, still, its good to let them know what we all think, every chance we get. Therapeutic for us, and maybe good for them to know everybody aint behind them on this. Their lawsuit is a political publicity stunt that will end up wasting probably 4-5 million in state taxpayer dollars....that is the true shame.
Its all fine til the BLM closes a trail or shuts down access somewhere. Watch your elected officials closely. Watch your planning and zoning closer.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Here is my response to Mr. Blair:[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]
Quote:Dear Mr. Blair,
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000][/#000000][/font]
I've highlighted the key statement you made below concerning Senator Lee's beliefs. ([font "Times New Roman"][#000000]He believes that states can best make decisions regarding public land.[/#000000][/font]) If you can show me just ONE instance where this has been the case in ANY state, please do so at this time. I don't believe you can because there is no incentive for ANY state to continue to hold in trust for its citizens ANY public lands. Public lands are nothing but a financial drain and burden for states. Senator Lee is totally misguided if he or any of his staff believe differently. So I'm asking again, Senator Lee MUST work to prevent ANY transfer of ownership or management of any federal public lands to any state. There will only be one outcome if that is allowed; and that outcome will be a reduction in the amount of public lands available for the enjoyment of the general population.

Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."

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