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Pheasants in the Dakotas
Apologize for the late report, got caught up in the holiday.

My hunting buddy from Nevada and I made our annual trek to North Dakota to hunt pheasants. This year we were joined by best friend from the Navy many years ago who lives in Nebraska. We hunted North and South Dakota each day for 3 days. Ended up 4 birds short of full limits on day 2 but filled out the other 2 days. I look forward to this trip every year.

Got a couple of bonus Sharptails this year. I've seen them back there every year but never had a chance to take one. They are a very interesting looking bird. Their feet look like something from a large lizard with strange scales on the toes and very long claws.
Sunrise on the water
I was wondering if you made the trip again this year, looks like a good time was had by all. I've killed sharp tails before they hold good for a pointer but I don't like the taste of them so I don't shoot them. Take care Todd and I may see you on the ice if it stays cold enough to freeze some of the lakes I like to fish. Wife is still trying to kill a bull in WY. so we are tied up looking for an elk on the weekends.
Very nice, Looks like you all had good weather for the hunt.
This is one of those trips I hope to do one day when my boy is old enough to go with me.

Do you all do private land or BLM?
Good looking dogs as well.
Good lookin birds and dogs. Thanks for the pics!
Best of luck to Brenda, I hope she finds one close to the road. Going to help my buddies get their cows in a couple weeks.

One sharptail was enough for me as well. It was cool to shoot one once. I had other opportunities after that and passed.

Hoping for some good ice this year. Wishing you and your family a great Christmas!!!
Sunrise on the water
Unfortunately pheasants require grain which means agricultural ground. I don't know of anywhere that there is any significant number of pheasants on BLM ground. Also once you get east of the rocky mountains (Wyoming, Colorado, Montana) BLM ground kinda disapeers. It is a treasure that we have only in the west.

In the Dakotas, as in Texas and most states from the midwest to the east coast there is very little, if any public land. The pheasant hunting in the Dakotas is almost all on private land. It used to be much easier to gain permission to hunt but it is becoming more and more commercialized. There are alot of large outfitters that are leasing the hunting rights from the farmers. Most of them are charging $300 and up per gun per day. It's a Sad reality that in the near future we'll be priced right out of any opportunities.
Sunrise on the water

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