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Yellowstone Lake Macs
So I've heard a number of times that the Park Service is trying to eradicate the Lake Trout in Yellowstone Lake, and part of that is to allow unlimited fishing of them. Does anyone have any information on whether there is access to the lake in wintertime for ice fishing, and/or whether the fishing is even any good? If it's possible to get to the lake and fish it, is it worth a trip up there for a few days of fishing?
Unless I'm mistaken, the Park waters close to fishing at the end of November. Just after ice off in the spring and after the lake opens for fishing June 15, the macs are often caught in the shallows near shore. My son worked up there for a few summers and he usually did well as soon as the lake opened to fishing.

Edit: I just made a quick check of the YNP regs. Yellowstone Lake now as the same general season dates as the rest of the park. Fishing opens on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend and closes on the first Sunday of November.

Also note that there are a LOT of regs just for yellowstone like only barbless hooks, no lead, no bait or artificial scent, and a yellowstone specific license.
I was out there last June and they had buoys marking the nets for macs. They are aggressively trying to get rid of them. If you wanted to go out there next summer I'd say the best spots are going to be marked [Wink]
And they are shocking the known spawning beds to kill the fry before hatching.

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