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I am thinking about hitting the berry saturday. Probably wont be taking the snowmopile, so I'll probably be sticking close to the marina. Anyone other BFT'ers want to meet up and gang bang them?
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Count me in!!! Hookedchica showed interest and so did another buddy of mine!!!
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i am SSOOO in. i already got work off for saturday... [sly] whoo-hoo! i had a lot of fun last time i was at the berry, so i expect this time to be no different. uhhh, rob are you bringing your tent?? it's really cold there and i'm a wuss.
stephanie aka 'the ice fishing goddess'
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It,s not too cold up there. In fact it was a balmy -9 last Saturday. Well worth it though, caught a couple four pound cutthroats on the soldier creek side just outside of the narrows. Tried to hold the lock n weigh at different angles to squeeze another ounce or two out of them but the rotten thing wouldnt let me.
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I have only fished by the marina once and had no luck. It was last summer in the morning. I have had my best success at chicken east any time of the year. I would like to try the marina again because of the easy access. Do you think it is as good as chicken or just easier to get to. If you had to choose between the two for sat. based on past fishing success where would you go. Also, I will be on foot with a body that can't pull a sled very far. Anyone with a thought on this please give me a reply. Thanks DKSRenegade
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I think I will take you up on your offer Teroy. I have not made it up to Strawberry yet this year, and I'm chompin at the bit to get into those big cuts' everyone is talking about. Is one side of the marina better than the other? I stopped into Hooked and got some crickets. Hope they work as good as I've heard they do. I will have my radio on channel 12 and hope to hear other BFG'rs on it. I will be the one asking everybody what they are catching the hogs on. I can bring my little stove and cook some lunch for Polo to pay him back for the great breakfast I had on sat. I know he wasn't alone but my stove is really small. See ya'll on the ice DKSRenegade.
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[cool]Sounds fun guys, but the marina is always packed on Saturdays, so I'm gonna go to Chicken Creek East (Jakes Bay) or over to the Soldier Creek side. It seems like the less snowmobiles and power augers the better ice fishing. Good luck guys!
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[font "Arial"][red][size 2] Teroy I'd like to join you guys if you don't mind. I haven't been to the Berry yet this year, and I'm aching to get into some fish. [/size][/red][/font]
[font "Arial"][#ff0000][size 2] AFdan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
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Hey Teroy me and the grandson may try and join up with you. Have a doctors app. but that could be changed. What time are you planning on getting there. I will let you know for sure by friday.
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I'm headed back up their sunday maybe less crowded with all the church goers? but make sure you guys save some fish for me!!
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I would also like to get in on the action. Maybe if we get enough bait down there with all of our lines, the fish will simply come to us. Where at the marina are you going to be? I might hit someone up for use of their auger. Mine is dull and slow.
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I will have an 8" power auger with me. I will try to get there between 7:30 and 8:00 A M Sat. I will be on FRS channel 12 if you need the auger. I'm not sure what area of the marina I will be at yet myself. I hope to get away from most of the crowds but be close to the other BFT folks. I will be on my Big Red 3 Wheeler pulling a fishing tent. Hope to see you there. DKSRenegade
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I am opting out of going to Strawberry tomorrow, due to the fact of a almost demanding invite to go to Bear Lake.
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Dude thats just....wrong. Man, ya got to give a brother a chance to reply LOL
I will be at the marina somewhere tomorrow, if anyone else wants to come up
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I will probably get there at about 630-7ish
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That sounds great. Thanks for the offer. I actually finally went and bought new blades for my auger tonight. I'm sure that will make a difference. See you up there.