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Jordanelle 1/9
Always a good time when your longtime buddy Fishwrestler shows up with Snickers candy bars for everybody. It set the tone for the day, we fished in 17 FOW just off of the buoys that are out in the Hailstone bay. Fishing was steady for 10-12" rainbows with a few bigger ones. Fishwrestler caught the bigger ones! The ice is a good 6" thick with a couple inches of slush on top. Quite a few other guys out today all over the bay. We used a variety of baits, most everything worked, we tipped our jigs with night crawlers. My little daughter hooked up on one small perch, one fellow came over to visit and said that he found some larger perch in the fall, but hadn't found them through the ice. All in all, it was a fun day on the ice, and the fishing was fairly steady. We're better at fishing than uploading pictures, i'll try to include some pictures for the next fishing trip.
Good times had by all. Ps I learned from the best.
Nothing like a reward(?)Treat no?

Sounds like a fun day.[cool]
Nice report. I have never ice fished at Jordanelle.

Have you or anyone heard if there is ice in the Rock Cliff arm where the provo river comes in? Just wondering.

I just drove past there and it looks like open water to me. The Rockcliff arm isn't frozen.
The ice pack is about half way down the rock cliff arm to the main part of the lake. Ice from the north arm and by the pwc ramp have also grown over the weekend but no idea how thick it is.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
a_bow_nut is correct. I just glanced at the open water out by the dam, and assumed it was still open in Rockiff as well. Hopefully the ice can thicken up this week with the cold temperatures.
Can you still launch a boat??
Only if you can break ice for a few hundred yards to get to open water. A few more cold nights and the only open water will be next to the dam.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.

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