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Sub par fish lake
Me and the people I fish with and around have had really poor fishing at fish lake this year. We have always relied on fish lake as the " go to " lake to catch fish, but this year seems to be down. Anyone else experiencing this, or is this just karma for me?
My sample size was small, 1 trip, but it was it's usual excellence there on my sole visit.

What species were you after?
Rainbows and Lakers. Definitely not those obnoxious tiny perch.
I didn't specifically target lakers when I was there, but the rainbows were caught in good numbers near the weeds and also out further in the top 20 feet of the water column (per usual). I had a lot of fun with the splake which tended to be 20-45 ft down, with a few coming shallower as well. I was encouraged by the splake numbers.

We were on the South end, but didn't go across the lake like we usually do.
our experience this year was up from the previous few years. It is obvious that the DWR has been able to correct some of the stocking issues with splake. Both quantity and quality of splake was much better than the previous two.

As for lake trout, it is really hard to say that anything has changed.....yet. However, with perch numbers taking a small hit due to the success of the new regulations (no limit) and the perch tournaments, combined with the weevil introduction (weevil's are reproducing!) and kokanee stocking, it is only a matter of time before the lake trout population of "medium" size lakers (7 - 12lbs) start showing up in higher numbers.

i think the future for Fish Lake is bright.
One thing that I noticed the other day, that was different, was that some perch seemed to have moved out away from the weedline more. It used to be that if you got out past about 25 feet or so, you could be free of the perch. On my most recent trip, I was getting a bunch of perch on the bottom at 45 ft down. This is the first time at FL I have done this. It was bad enough, I just targeted suspended fish only on my finder to keep getting the splake and avoid perch.

Could that be from the weevils?
Sorry to hear. Like you, Fishlake has always been the place where I felt like I would always do well. I always like to take my kids there because of the steady action. Unlike you, it has still been that way for me this year. I took my youngest two kids down there for 3 days last week. We fished the south end all 3 days. The fishing was so good that I spent more time helping them unhook fish, than I did fishing myself. We did good with both green paddle bugs and white tube jigs with meal worms. Rainbows were 12-15 feet and spake 15-25 feet. I was also surprised to find perch on the bottom at 42 feet. Best of luck on your future trips!
I think about hitting FL about 20 times a year but if I make it once it's a good year so I'm a little behind the times. I'm assuming the weevils were introduced to battle the milfoil growth. I know nothing about the impact of either for this particular body of water. Seems like one of those never ending problems because once the milfoil is reduced what then? I'm not a biologist and I'll support those who make the decisions. More power to them. It will be very interesting to watch the evolution of FL over the next three years. I see great things happening.
doggone -- I don't know if the weevils have had a chance to actually impact the milfoil yet or not. If they have, then that could explain why the perch were outside the weeds. Less cover would force the fish to find new places.

fsh4fun -- you asked a question: once the milfoil is reduced what then?

Then perch will suffer, which is EXACTLY what needs to happen.

the problem with perch at Fish Lake is that they DIRECTLY impact the lake trout fishery. Perch prevent other fish like Utah chubs from and red shiners from establishing a healthy population. Without the chubs and shiners, the lake trout do not have a prey base. Without a prey base, the lake trout struggle. This is EXACTLY why you do NOT see those 7 - 12lb lake trout in higher numbers at Fish Lake. You see a lot of small lake trout (~24 - 26") and large lake trout (over 35") but you rarely see those medium size lake trout that people find all the time at Bear Lake and Flaming Gorge.

if you significantly reduce the perch, you will increase those other open water species (kokanee, chubs, shiners) and see an increase in numbers of medium sized lake trout.

Remember: both milfoil and perch were illegal introductions to Fish Lake.
Stock Scofield with Lakers. That should of put the hurt on the Chubs!
[quote ice_sled]Stock Scofield with Lakers. That should of put the hurt on the Chubs![/quote]

If it were deep enough, and cold enough to support Lakers or Splake that would be a great idea.

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Gotcha. The numbers of small perch in FL is ridiculous. Like I said, the next three years will be interesting. I've never seen a chub or redside in FL so obviously the perch are a problem. I know this is off subject a little but does anyone know how milfoil ended up there in the first place?
[quote fsh4fun05] I know this is off subject a little but does anyone know how milfoil ended up there in the first place?[/quote]

Most likely from a contaminated boat. This is why we have "clean, drain, dry" rules in Utah today. It's not only for mussels!

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