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Mud Lake Bunny Blast
Went to mud lake area yesterday with friends. Set up for some coyotes at dawn. Within seconds of starting to call we had three separate groups calling back! Pretty cool since I'd never tried calling them. Unfortunately we never saw any either. After a bit we went after jacks. We had a couple folks a road path and two bust brush either side. Pretty soon bunnies we racing away by the dozens. However they were not waiting on any body and between the speed, distance, and brush we only got two. We relocated and found a small brush patch near a canal. We quickly bagged 11 cotton tails and a few more jacks. Great day except the 1-2' of snow. My legs are telling me their thoughts on it today.
Some good eating right there.
sounds fun. brings back memories of the good ol days when you could shoot a brick of 22's at jack in day.... and it would not cost you $100.[crazy]

My dad has been shooting a few jacks down that way as well. He has been having fun.

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