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Make a post with the title like this one so we know who you are and that it is for the catfish contest... Then when you catch a fish go into your post and reply to that post and enter your fish entry like this....
Caught Catfish March 32 at Billy Bobs Pond and I measured it as 39"
This has the type fish, date caught and location, plus it tells us what you expect the fish to score. If your picture verifies that length a Mod will score and verify that value and we will add it to the overall score sheet...
One other thing please let me know on your first post, which team you are on... Note, if you fish Utah Lake, Jordon River and points south, you would be team south... If you fish Willard, Bear River, Cutler and points north you will be team north... The map we have isn't the best so lets go off of where you plan on fishing to determine your team... Good luck everyone... Later J
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Hi J,
I would like to join the south team. Hopefully it will be as much fun as last year!
I'm attaching a picture of the board I made last year. I only got to use it a few times but it worked well.
Thanks again for your efforts!
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Looks good Pisco approved for use. One issue will be making sure your camera takes clear pictures of the scale so I can read it. This photo starts to blur so it's hard to read. Thanks for playing. Later J
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Thanks for the boundary clarification. By your explanation in the rules on the MUB you threw me into the north. UL is. Lot closer than cutler for me although Willard isn't too far. Gotta love living right dead center of it all.[laugh]
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Well I guess you get to pick which team you want. If you could just catch fish like shown on that Willard post last night it would be a tough choice for you, but the last couple years I don't remember any cats over 25" being entered in the contest from Willard. In fact most have been lower 20" fish from the bay. Anyway good luck choosing and hope you join in. Later J
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I'm in for the South team.
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I want to enter with my twin brother, age 14 on the south team
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Catcarsen enter for the south team, youth
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Looks like BLK's team has arrived for another smash of a year.
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Yup it does look like the posse' is back in the house. Tomorrow I will get everyone on a score sheet and put it out for all to see. Thanks everyone that has signed up so far. Later J
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Okay I have everyone on this list so far as well... See below and if your name isn't listed or your team is incorrect, let me know??? thanks everyone, if your names on the list you are ready to fish come next Tuesday for a score... Sorry still don't have the placard out there, will work on it today... Later J
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You know I was just thinking here, (thats always dangerous), everytime I go deer hunting I see elk. When I go elk hunting I see deer. When I fish for big fish I catch little ones, when I fish for little ones, I still catch little ones....uh .... Anyway...... I would like to issue a side, personal challenge, that I can catch a smaller catfish then anyone else. Maybe if anyone is up to it, I will keep my eyes peeled at the di for the littlest trophy to be given to the winner. What do you all think, does anybody think they can beat me in catching the littlest one? While trying to catch the biggest?
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Are you going to put a catch with rod and reel requirement on that? If not I got some minies last year with the casting net after minnows.... But I'll take that challenge and I am willing to track everyone's smallest entry on the chart, if your willing to provide the prize at the banquet it's a deal... Anybody else want to play??? Later J
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I think rod, reel, and hook. I have quite a reputation among friends and family for catching what they call "jody" fish. I have never figured out how one of those little beggers smaller than my hook will get on it. But it just happens. It would make a great consolation prize, if people are looking to have fun with it. But maybe the people here are more into the serious side of things. I am a very competitive person, but I also like to have fun. So, if anybody is interested, if by some chance you dont catch the biggest fish - did you take the title away from me of catching the smallest of the day? I will find a second hand, used, recycled, trophy to put in the kitty for the smallest kitten. Whats everyone say? Challenge or no challenge?
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I'd say go for it and if folks don't want to enter one they don't have to... Later J
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Halfast-- Smallest fish?? You're on! I caught a mudder last year that was just under 5 inches. This contest is about serious cattin' but it is also a lot of fun with lots of banter and bragging going back and forth. I always like to see the pics of big, ugly cats where ever they are caught.
The way Jeff is pulling this thing together it looks like a fun summer coming up.
Mike-- Enjoy the next two months with your son... they will be special and if you do break your personal best I hope it is while fishing with him. Actually, I hope he breaks your personal best.[  ]
Let is begin!
Lynn aka BLK
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Thanks Lynn, I hope he whips my personal best too, it would be a great send off.
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I'm in for the North. We will take back the Title. There are some monsters luking in the Mighty Bear River and they will be getting very hungry shortly. Good luck to all-- should be an interesting and fun year.
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Hogstalker, great to have you back, now if we can just find Gaardvark we'll have our top catter's from last year back to help whip the south back in line... Anyway your number 30 on the entry list... Good luck this year... Later J
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I dont know boatload, They say chuck norris can kill two stones with one bird, but I was out on the mighty bear yesterday and had a chuck norris fish trying to fit a number 14 hook in his mouth. For those serious catfishing folks.... I was looking for one of those monster Utah Lake cats that was following the geese north. I hope you will see me water skiing barefoot up the mighty bear trying to reel in the bear lake monster.......just wave as I go by.......