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This post will be a good spot to banter back and forth and I'll also post general info so check back here every so often to see if there's anything you need to know... I will post the team updates here as well.. Here's the first one, we have 30 folks so far and it's divided 15 to 15.... this is great to have even teams this year... Later J
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So... today, the15th, is the OFFICIAL start for the contest? Seems like I read that somewhere. Hope so cuz weather permitting I'm going out Saturday for a general shake down of the boat and my first cast for a cat.
Just thinkin' out loud but... how about a prize for the first cat on the boards?? I'll pony up two dozen crawlers for the first fisher to post a channel cat in the contest... maybe a minimum of 20 inches long?? Just send me a pm with your address and I'll get your prize to you in the mail. All subject to Jeff's approval of course.
How 'bout a prize for the first 30 incher posted?
We have a smallest fish prize -- seems like Halfast was willing to chip in a prize there.
A first fish posted prize -- BLK to donate prize
Anyone wanna chip in a prize for the first 30 incher posted? (Hint: I could use a package of size 5/0 hooks)
Just thinking of ways to spice up the contest a bit. If the rules are already set and not subject to change or additions so be it. Also, do not want to suggest anything that might make us run "afowl" of the DWR contest rules.
Good luck to all and let's go get 'em.[  ]
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I can definitely gat a channel but it won't be no 20 inches. I haven't seen anything that size come out of the Colorado. Not saying they aren't there though.
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BLK sorry I've been down in Cali on business so I haven't been keeping up but I'm in favor of your proposed prizes if you will administer it. Thank you and great idea. It might already be in the books who knows I haven't checked yet. Later J
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Jeff, I would like to make just one itty bitty suggestion please. No matter who wins, no matter where or even if we have a awards dinner sort of, can it be somewhere that serves just a bit faster than the one last year? I darn near starved waiting on my order...........[sly]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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BLK, I am going to do my best to make a few more trips down to UL this year. I want to "poach" a few of those big kittys. Not for the contest, but for the taken home and eatin........... and since there isn't any kids at home, and no spouse to ask permission from, maybe I'll run up on ya on the water. Good luck and good fishin[fishin]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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Hey Forest that has been noted, sorry they were sooooo slow. Will try to do better this year. Later J
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Jeff-- I'll "administer" it and happy to do so. I know you have plenty to do just keeping up on the scores. I'll get a donated prize for all three entries: smallest fish, first fish over 20 inches, and first 30 incher.
I'll monitor your standings and award prizes for first fish and first 30 incher as they appear -- smallest fish prize will have to wait until the bitter end.
Tin Can-- I got a good laugh out of your first post, even my g-sons grumbled about the slow service. Fun though. And, you would be welcome to fish the Big Tub with me any time. I always fish out of Lincoln so if you get down this way let me know...or, if you launch out of Provo and head to Bird Island I'll look for you there.
I'm ready to fish.[cool]
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Thank you Lynn that will be great! Back in SLC Later J
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BLK I'm surprised you haven't been down there yet herding the big ones to your spot waiting for the contest to start, don't forget to flip some jigs while waiting for the cats, I would see you down there but I have[  ] to go to Powell for the week end, see you there next week[fishin]
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Hey, I was just yankin your chain a bit............[sly]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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Hey no worries. I eat there fairly often and I've never seen them as slow as they were that night. Don't know what was up, but it was ridiculous. Anyway we'll try to do better this year. Later J
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MSM-- I'm gettin' the bug real bad but I haven't launched my boat yet. Good weather comin' this weekend so I plan to hit it Sat. I'll be there every chance I get this summer so we will eventually bump in to each other. Look forward to it.
I visited Tube Dude's manufacturing facility a couple weeks ago, got him cornered, and was able to wrest a few of his favorite jigs from him. I have never been a walleye fisher but I'm going to give it a shot this year. Seems like the walleye fishers are a dedicated bunch who know their stuff and put in the time to catch the elusive walleye. Much easier to catch cats. Anyhow, I'm gonna drift around a bit out in front of the orchard and see if it is possible to snag a walleye with a jig while dragging a chunk of carp meat around for the cats. Who knows??
Ready..., Set..., G........ [fishin]
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BLK Well you got be best advise on how to do it, be carful its one of those things its hard to stop once you get a taste for it, [  ]
I need to save up and go see him one day, I know the wife will have to go to stop me before I spend all the money,[  ]
should be good out there Saturday,
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[#0000FF]Don't forget to drag around one of those new scaly baits you got. They will catch walleyes too.
I'm codgertatin' on hitting Lincoln on Sunday...a visit to the church of the 7th day angler. Lemme know if you find anything intermesting on Saturday.
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We have a winner/s of the First Fish Posted contest. Two entrants have made claim for the prize and both caught their fish on the same day... however, neither entrant has posted the fish per the contest rules as set forth by Jeff on the Contest Page.
So..... I, as the designated administer of the First Fish Contest, do hereby declare a tie for first place between CV fisher and CM fishing. The prize will be awarded as soon as both entrants post their fish as established by Jeff (SkunkedAgain) in the contest rules. Inasmuch as you are both... hard to say.... northern fishermen, if you need help posting your fish I'll bet Jeff will help.
Anyways.... the prize for each of you is,,,..,. drumroll please.... 160 yards of 20 pound test genuine Power Pro braided line.
Shoot me a pm with your address and I will get your prize to you asap. Congratulations and keep those little northern cats coming.[  ]
Lynn aka BLK
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Thanks Lynn, that's a father son dual, that looks like they had some fun. Thanks for taking care of our official kickoff and nice prize. Guess we are underway. Thanks J
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Well I may not be the first but hopefully by next weekend I will have the smallest cat. [  ]. Congrats on those two.
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Hey Jeff,
I want to run my new measure box past you for official approval... or denial. I copied the one Pisco made and it is calibrated the same way. Should help to avoid cat slime in the boat and hold the cat for a good pic.
Note that it only measures out to 35 inches so I may have to build an extension when I ketch the really big one.[  ]
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Lynn the bump board looks good, go ahead and use it for the contest. You should have built it wider though, those splines will stick out too wide for your big fish. Hope not, but I found I had to go wider on mine. Looks really nice, hope to see it all slimey soon. Later J