06-01-2016, 09:00 AM
It&#39;s been a while since I&#39;ve posted here but figured I&#39;d post a quick report of my fishing trip with my son Thursday. <br />Put in at Riverpark and ran upstream to fish riprap and tailwaters. Got a chunky LG on lizard and spent most of time teaching my 8 yr old how to fish soft plastics on bottom. It was getting late so I ran up to dam to bounce a tube off bottom and maybe catch a smallie. I ended up hooking into what I think it a Walleye. Didn&#39;t get a good pic but maybe you can help. I&#39;ve never caught one. Current started moving good after 7pm. <br /><br />http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s234/honkytonker26/Mobile%20Uploads/image_1.jpeg<br /><br />http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s234/honkytonker26/Mobile%20Uploads/image.jpeg