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Please see the 23rd post on the embedded link.

We are in desperate need of more boat captains!!!! Please come out.

[url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"];forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread[/url]
[quote WiperMac]

We are in desperate need of more boat captains!!!! Please come out.

[url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"][/url][/quote]

Come on guys let's get behind this great event.
25 boats have signed up for less than 50 veterans to be able to go fishing. That number is surprisingly low compared to years past. Any idea of how many veterans will be coming up this year.
The number that we always try to shoot for is 100 Veterans. So yes we're only halfway there and the trip is just a couple weeks away.
BFT team, the VA called me today. They have 90 vets signed up for this event. Right now we have enough boats to accommodate about 1/2 that many. This event was born on BFT and it would really break my heart to have to discontinue this great tradition due to an inability to get enough volunteer boaters together to make it happen.

Over the years my team and I have worked very hard to put together the financing and logistics to make this event happen each year. Each year BFT has done a great job getting the boats out to make this event happen. If you have any friends or acquaintances that have a boat, please ask them to help us out as well. We welcome anyone, not necessary to be on BFT.

I know a few of the die hard koke folks wanted this event to be earlier in the year when the fishing is usually better. I tried to schedule it earlier again this year but had to move it back at the request of the VA folks. Every year there are scheduling conflicts so we just try to do the best we can. While the koke fishing might not be ideal July 30th I think it will still be pretty good. We'll try to get as much info out as possible on where the thermocline is at when boaters arrive to help out.

Thank you all so mcuh for your support over the years, let's continue this great tradition.
Sunrise on the water
Do you know if the campgrounds are offering free camping for captains and/or participants for the event? And one suggestion I would have is to offer the option of bagels and low-sugar juice or milk or another healthy option for breakfast for the roughly 25% of veterans who are battling diabetes.
Good suggestion on the bagels. The donuts and coffee/hot chocolate are all donated but it would be great if someone could find a place that would like to donate bagels.

American Land and Leisure is not offering free camping but they really help us out every year in donating the pavilion free and be so generous as to allow us to hold the event on their property and give all participants free entry.

I didn't see your name on the boaters list. Hope you will be able to help us out.

Thanks for your support......
Sunrise on the water
i will be there , i just pm'ed you
Thanks Mtncat1, Really appreciate your support and your Strawberry expertise.....
Sunrise on the water
I will pitch in $50 towards the rental of a boat to help take the veterans out as well. I am already signed up to participate.
Still needing captains in a big way!!! Bump.[Smile]
How late can someone sign up? My wife is due to have a baby that day so I probably cant commit unless the baby comes early[Wink] or a few days late[crazy]. But I would love to jump in on this. It sounds like a great event
Holy cow, are you hardcore or what??? If you feel you can make it up safely then great, we'll just mark you as a walk-in volunteer at that time. But family always comes first.

Come on BFT team . If betterthanwork is willing with all he has on this plate.............
This year is the first time I have heard of this event. If I can't make it this year I will be there next year for sure!!! This sounds like a neat opportunity and even if the fishing season is "slow" I am sure that the fish gods will show up and provide some hungry fish for an event like this[Wink]

seriously though, if the stars line up and I am able to get away that day, all I have to do is show up at the marina and you could use my help?
Yes we could absolutely use you if the stars align. Soldier Creek Marina, just tell the gate attendant that you're volunteering for the event for free admission.

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