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For years i have always heard how great Yuba is for Perch and northern Pike fishing. Even googling it all you get is photos of people wuth perch and pike. So i decided to finally go down there for a 2 day trip. I casted everything from spoons to Rapalas to spinners, etc, and nothing. The only thing that caught me 12 fish were worms. And they weren't really fish, they were carp. This fishery appears to be overrun with carp now. I wouldn't suggest it unless you love carp.
Yea, I went down 6 different times to yuba. my first trip I caught a 28' pike. All the other trips caught carp and one 14' walleye. So I have decided that it has been fished out a lot of these videos are about three to four years old. Not too many talk about yuba on here might be a secret not sure.
[#0000FF]The "glory days" of Yuba are a thing of the past. It used to go through ten year cycles of boom and bust, based upon weather pattern cycles.

But, since the end of the last big drought, in 2005, it has not done well...except for a couple of years when there was an abundance of pike. Right now the lake is not much more than a carp factory. Like we need more of those in Utah.

There are still some nice pike, walleyes and perch to be caught. But not enough to justify a 2 hour drive each way. Much better fishing closer to home.
Quote:Yea, I went down 6 different times to yuba. my first trip I caught a 28' pike.

Sounds about like what I did. I went there September-ish last year, caught a ~30" pike and immediately wanted to go back. So I went 4 more times last year and once early this year - not a single bite in 5 trips. I won't be going there in the foreseeable future.
So much for the 20 fish Northern Limit, if the good luck continues you will limit out in 19 more years.
Fisheries Management at it's finest.
Chasing pike has always been my favorite type of fishing but i wrote yuba off as well. couldnt agree more - its nothing but a carp hole-

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