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Chub for bait Question
Here is the picture
Wow, that is a big old chub. I have caught a few chubs up at Strawberry over the years. I will have to remember that while up there this ice season as well. Thanks.
[#0000FF]Some of the biggest chubs I have caught in Utah were out of Starvation...before the last of the "chubosaurs" died out a couple of years ago. The introduction of walleyes, smallmouth and perch doomed the chubs in that lake. A few larger ones lived out their 20 years and spawned each year until they died. But the predators ate the babies before they could live long enough to spawn...and the chubs went bye-bye.

Some of the last survivors exceeded 15 inches in length. Many of them were grossly obese and some had lesions and tumors on them. Gross.

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