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Jmax, Chick, Bass, 1/31/17, alone
Had a decent day today. You sure can't complain about the weather. It was nice out on the water today, it did not seem like a January day at all. Got up to 67 and with blue bird sky that actually might of slowed the bite down some. emoScratch I had 14 hits that I know of, 3 I missed, 3 I lost the bass reeling them in and 8 came into the boat. emoThumbsup Only one was picture worthy and it was 5 pounds and 7 ozes. She was one of the trap bites. Never did find a pattern. I had two on a jig, one on a rig, two on a trap and 3 on a jerk bait. water temp was 48 when started and 51 when I left. Started at 8 and left at 3.<br /><br />Looking forward to seeing all out there. emoAngel Jmax

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