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Jmax, Chick, Bass, 4/15/17, CBA, Scuba
I was really worried after all the good reports I have been posting that I would bomb this one. No worries! Wink Had a pretty darn good day. Had the fish on that would have won it but could not close the deal. Lost one that appeared to be another giant. Got me hung up on some trash for a second and that was all it took. Got my line messed up and it broke. emoBawl I was so sick I am still not over it. emoBooHoo Jeff lost one that looked in the four class that jumped twice and then bull dogged under the boat, it just came unbuttoned. emoBadLanguage Can't win these in the CBA when you loose fish. There are too many good sticks, someone will get them in the boat. We had our chance to win this one.<br /><br />Still had a great day even with all the mishaps. I boated two six pounders, one five, one four and several two's. The one two pounder we had to weigh in hurt us, we really needed to get rid of that little one but ran out of time. emoGoofy Ended up weighing in 24.01 pounds. emoDance That was good enough to come in 7th and $450.00 in our pockets, it's a good day when you get paid to fish. The other thing that we did not do was I wanted to beat Derek and Chase. They put it on us coming in fifth with 26 pounds. emoWorthy Lot of bass caught today. This lake is on fire right now. Lots of limits. There was over 100 boats fishing this one. All my bass came off of shakeys. I did throw a crank and spook some but kept going back to the shakey. Like my Momma always told me, "Don't fix it if it ain't broke." emoBigSmile Water in the 70s, wind came up and blew like crazy again, I was not aware that was suppose to happen. Between the wind and the party boats the lake was really rough.<br /><br />We still focused on staging areas leading to spawning flats. Some are done and moving out while others are just now moving up. Should be another good spawn on the next full moon.<br /><br />See ya out there. emoAngler Jmax<br /><br />Congrats to Haden and Trevor for their second win this year! emoEek They won it with over 32 pounds!!!! emoWorthy

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