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I know its kind of after the fact, but I figured I would throw this out there. The last couple weeks I have been fishing the sloughs around Cutler. The first trip we made everything was flooded and there was a current running through it. Bait of choice was sucker meat. Had a lot of bites, misses and hooks that were thrown or untied by their whiskers on the way in. Went on a second and third trip to the same spot and had minimal success. Second trip had only a couple of bites but no thrown hooks. For being this early in the year they were taking the bait and running for the border. Even had a couple that went air born which was pretty cool to see. The third trip was almost a skunk had it not been for a 12" carp. The water had come down almost a foot and the current was all but gone by the third outing. Brought along a spinning rod cause the trip prior there was a few small fish surfacing so figured I'd throw a jig or sit with a bobber and worm but didn't have even the slightest inquiry on them. Hopefully the water gets a little more predictable in the coming weeks and settles a bit.
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Been really slow for me lately as well 14&15"ers and only a few. Hope it's just a slow spot and gets better soon. Later J
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DWR stocked 20,000 channel cats in Cutler last September, averaging 3.38 inches. I wonder how fast they grow. The overly optimistic part of me wants to believe your 14 & 15 inchers are from that stocking, though I can't really think it's true.
In my favorite spot on the marsh, I have caught exactly one fish this year. It was a nice cat, but I appear to have scared them off. It has to get better sometime. They might get lockjaw for a while, but they have to start eating again eventually, even with the perpetual cold, rain and high water.
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I really doubt they are last years planted fish, they are very stocky and fat... I'd expect they were at least another year older... But who knows... I did up it to an 18"er last night in the rain.... But this one was more long and skinny and less chunky like those others... Glad to finally get one over 15" though... Who knows maybe I'll break 20" again someday... I sure hope so, never been so long without a 24"..... It's a tough year for me... Later J
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Who knows I may go out and try it this Sunday if I can find another spot to try. If I do hopefully it works out and I can add some more points to the board.
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I guess I'll just keep trying every now and then and hopefully one time I'll hit it right. I have to sooner or later I'd think. Later J
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Keep at it man i have been haven days the last couole of weeks that have been killer in one spot one day and dead the next