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AF Harbor
Decided to take the boat out with my kids and see if we could find the white bass for them to pull in. Launched around 4:30 and headed over to where I figured the action would be. Took us a bit to figure out the right lure but after we got that it was pretty fun. It was the first time one of my son's caught his "own" fish from start to finish. Usually I have helped with casting or something else. It was lots of fun. All five of us caught fish while sharing two poles.

We used dark maroon curly tailed jigs which seemed to work well. We were not catching the fish as fast as some of the 20+ people in wades but it was fun. Maybe pulled in 20 or so in the couple hours we had.

Special thanks to the fisherman on the kayak that brought the music for everyone. Your rap music with its colorful language blaring for all to hear reminded me of the 80 with people with boom boxes on their shoulder with the music for everyone to hear. I know you were enjoying the lake and so was I, but I wish we both could have enjoyed it in silence. Is there a reason why you don't use headphones?
Thanks for the report, and we feel your pain.
That is funny I was fishing outside the harbor and the kayaker went right by us heading towards where everyone was and I was thinking the same thing. Didn't mind the music choice but to make everyone deal with it too and kids being around not a very respectful way to listen to your tunes.

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